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Baroness Elsa
Gammel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (1874?1927) is considered by many to be the first American dadaist as well as the mother of dada. An innovator in poetic form and an early creator of junk sculpture, "the Baroness"... czytaj dalej

McCarthys Bar
Mc Carthy Wydawnictwo: inne

Reflecting on the many places he has visited as a travel broadcaster, the author admits that he feels more at home in Ireland than anywhere. To find out whether this is due to rose-coloured spectacles or to... czytaj dalej

It's Not Easy Being Bad
C. Voigt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The bad girls are back - and they're worse! Mikey Elsinger is having a crisis. She's started a new school and she wants to be popular. Her best friend Margalo thinks the words Mikey and popular don't belong... czytaj dalej

As Far as the Eye Can Reach
Kimmel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1803, at President Jefferson's request, Captains Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery set out to explore beyond the newly purchased land of the Louisiana Territory to the western end of the continent... czytaj dalej

Things to Translate & Other Poems
Peter Sommer Wydawnictwo: inne

Piotr Sommer... czytaj dalej

Last Light
Scarrow Alex Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first book in Blackstock's Restoration series literally begins with a bang: airplanes fall out of the sky in the opening paragraphs, at which point the novel's protagonists and readers become swept up in... czytaj dalej

My Favourite Wife
Parsons Tony Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Hot shot young lawyer Bill Holden and his wife Becca move their four-year-old daughter to the booming, gold-rush city of Shanghai. It is a place of opportunity and temptation, where fortunes are made and foreign... czytaj dalej

Masternak Zbigniew Wydawnictwo: Zysk i S-ka

Scyzoryk to kontynuacja głośnych powieści Zbigniewa Masternaka Niech żyje wolność i Chmurołap. Opowiada dalsze losy chłopaka, który za wszelką cenę próbuje się wyrwać spod Świętego Krzyża w wielki świat.Po... czytaj dalej

DeYoung Karen Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Starred Review. Washington Post reporter DeYoung covers Powell's entire career in this nuanced, comprehensively researched first complete biography to bring to life the Jamaican immigrants' son who became chair... czytaj dalej

Poemat odjazdu
Andrzej Mandalian Wydawnictwo: Sic!

Najnowsza książka wybitnego polskiego poety i tłumacza, który tak pisze o sobie:Pierwszym moim językiem doszczętnie zresztą zapomnianym był ormiański, następnym rosyjski i dopiero trzecim polski.Urodziłem się... czytaj dalej