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Diabelski czas
Pronzini Bill Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Jack Hollis musi w końcu zrobić to, co już dawno powinien. Mąż jego córki, Angeli, przekroczył wszelkie granice. Cóż z tego, że David Rakubian jest szanowanym prawnikiem, skoro wobec własnej żony uzywa przemocy... czytaj dalej

Wise Child
Audrey Reimann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Silk mills and secrets. All of Lily`s young life has been dominated by undercurrents among her elders that she could sense but not understad. the ties of business and love that bind the Stanways, Hammonds and... czytaj dalej

Man in Moon
A. Barrow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

William is a lonely young man under the illusion that he is a comic genius. A disastrous appearance as a stand-up comic in a pub called The Man in the Moon is the start of his adventures. ... czytaj dalej

Beyond the Reef
A. Kent Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The exciting sequel to the previous Bolitho adventure #8212; The Only Victor #8212; it is March 1808 as Napoleon holds Portugal and threatens his old ally Spain. Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Bolitho is dispatched... czytaj dalej

D. Steel Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Everyone knows Madeleine and Jack Hunter. Maddy is an award-winning TV anchorwoman. Jack is the head of her network. To the world, theirs is a storybook marriage. But behind the doors of their lush Georgetown... czytaj dalej

Birthday Party
H. Pinter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Stanley Webber is visited in his boarding-house by two strangers, Goldberg and McCann. An innocent-seeming birthday party for Stanley turns into a nightmare. ... czytaj dalej

EverWorld 06 Fear the Fantastic
K. Applegate Wydawnictwo: brak danych

As Christopher and his friends continue to survive in Everworld until they can find a way back to their own world, they find themselves witnessing the Hetwans preparing to defeat Greek lands and battling the... czytaj dalej

Najwspanialszy dar boga
Wilk Małgorzta Wydawnictwo: Edycja Świętego Pawła

Elegancko wydany zbiór myśli i cytatów na temat sakramentu chrztu. Doskonały prezent nie tylko dla dziecka, ale i dla całej jego rodziny, ponieważ uświadamia i przypomina wszystkim, jak wspaniałym darem jest... czytaj dalej

Dreaming Void
Hamilton Peter F. Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

AD 3580. The Intersolar Commonwealth has spread through the galaxy to over a thousand star systems. It is a culture of rich diversity with a place for everyone. A powerful navy protects it from any hostile... czytaj dalej

Fighting the Flames
L. Sally Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Fighting the Flames, Sally contextualizes, historicizes, and theorizes the spectacular performance of fire at turn-of-the-twentieth century Coney Island. The performance of fire included staged exhibits... czytaj dalej