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This book presents the most recent achievements in some rapidly developing fields within Computer Science. The scientific works presented in this book have been partitioned into three topical groups: Image... czytaj dalej
This value pack is made up with the following three books:Brookshear - Computer Science (ISBN 9780321434456) 9/e, Barnes - Objects First With Java 3/e (ISBN 9780131976290) and Ince - Business Information Systems... czytaj dalej
Dzięki alfabetycznemu uporządkowaniu hasel, tak jak w słowniku, albo encyklopedii, Access XP od A do Z pozwoli Ci na łatwe odszukanie dokładnie tej informacji, której w danej chwili potrzebujesz. Już nie musisz... czytaj dalej
Intelligent Multimedia Computing Science is an interdisciplinary field combining the arts, sciences, artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics, and the humanities. The field presented is deeply... czytaj dalej
This revision incorporates the important changes both in the NDCMedisoft program and in the medical office environment. Computers in the Medical Office offers training and applications using full-featured,... czytaj dalej
AutoCAD 2004 Companion provides material typically covered in a one-semester AutoCAD course. It covers the essentials of 2D design and drafting as well as solid modeling.AutoCAD 2004 Companion can be used as... czytaj dalej
Small businesses today are required to do more with less because of limited technology resources and staff. Windows Small Business Server 2003 is a complete network solution for this market. Small Business... czytaj dalej
The revised edition of Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Unleashed incorporates technology updates as well as public comments on suggested revisions and additions to the original content. This revision will specifically... czytaj dalej
Driven by the year-2000 problem, the hordes of COBOL developers experienced a renaissance, but the times when COBOL was state-of-the-art are long gone. Object-orientation, application servers, web front-ends... czytaj dalej
This is the Golden Age for Artificial Intelligence. The world is becoming increasingly automated and wired together. This also increases the opportunities for AI to help people and commerce. Almost every sub... czytaj dalej