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Tworzenie użytecznego oprogramowania
Cogswell Jeff Wydawnictwo: Mikom

Nie jest łatwo przygotować dobre oprogramowanie ? ta książka uczy jak to robić. Efektywne oprogramowanie odnosi sukces ? każdy chce go używać. Doświadczony programista pokazuje nam, jak każdy aspekt pracy twórcy... czytaj dalej

ASP.NET Professional Secrets
Bill Evjen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Go beyond the obvious and explore the secrets behind ASP.NET with this comprehensive guide. Leading authorities in the field expose the hidden functionality within the ASP.NET model, revealing everything from... czytaj dalej

Cooperative Systems Design
F. Darses Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This publication focuses on the following subjects; understanding and modeling of collaborative work situations which are mediated by technical artefacts, either computational or not; developing appropriate... czytaj dalej

Voice Over IP Fundamentals
J. Davidson Wydawnictwo: inne

This book is a complete revision of the best-selling, well-respected first edition (1578701686). The continued focus of Voice over IP Fundamentals is to bring users, implementers, and developers of this technology... czytaj dalej

Architectural Design of Multi-agent Systems
H. Lin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Agent-oriented design has become on of the most active areas in the field of software engineering. Although great advances have been made in the study of the architectural design of agent systems, the complexity... czytaj dalej

Photoshop Elements 4 Solutions
M. Aaland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now updated to cover the latest program version, this is the ultimate full-color guide for Photoshop Elements users want to get the most out of the program This new edition features a tighter organization... czytaj dalej

Ch Webster Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A long awaited comprehensive introduction to the key skills every animator needs, whether they are working in 2D, 3D model, or computer animation. Benefit from the wealth of information in this complete course... czytaj dalej

Hacking Exposed Web Applications
J. Scambray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Implement bulletproof e-business security the proven Hacking Exposed wayDefend against the latest Web-based attacks by looking at your Web applications through the eyes of a malicious intruder. Fully revised... czytaj dalej

Go with XHTML Comprehensive
A. Duvall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed for full-semester course on XHTML, Web design, Web programming, or for a computer applications course with a Web component. Teach the course YOU want in LESS TIME! The primary goal of the GO! Series... czytaj dalej

Security in Computing
Charles Pfleeger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The New State-of-the-Art in Information Security: Now Covers the Economics of Cyber Security and the Intersection of Privacy and Information Security For years, IT and security professionals and students have... czytaj dalej