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What is this book about? In Beginning VB.NET 2003, three expert authors guide you through the basics of building working applications, creating windows and boxes, handling unexpected events, using object-oriented... czytaj dalej
Self-Defending Networks: The Next Generation of Network Security helps networking professionals understand how to deploy an end-to-end, integrated network security solution. It presents a clear view of the... czytaj dalej
With the emergence of new technologies like Voice over IP and Wireless LANs, the decentralization of enterprises, and the increased mobility of employees in the work force, separate data and voice networks... czytaj dalej
Poznaj praktyczne aspekty pracy z Windows Vista Jak zainstalować i aktualizować system? Jak dostosować Windows Vista do swoich potrzeb? W jaki sposób zabezpieczyć komputer przed zagrożeniami z sieci? ... czytaj dalej
Designed for full-semester course on XHTML, Web design, Web programming, or for a computer applications course with a Web component. Teach the course YOU want in LESS TIME! The primary goal of the GO! Series... czytaj dalej
Planowanie architekturocentrycznego procesu tworzenia oprogramowania jest bardzo ważne. Wykorzystanie dobrze opracowanej architektury oprogramowania zapewnia terminową realizację danego przedsięwzięcia, i to... czytaj dalej
Create queries that make forms and reports useful Develop forms to access the data you need and make reports that make sense! If you thought you had to use a spreadsheet program to produce reports and forms... czytaj dalej
Windows NT File System Internals presents the details of the NT I/O Manager, the Cache Manager, and the Memory Manager from the perspective of a software developer writing a file system driver or implementing... czytaj dalej
Strategies and Policies in Digital Convergence is the authoritative reference source describing issues in business strategy and public policy rising from digital convergence. Cutting-edge descriptions of mobile... czytaj dalej
The New State-of-the-Art in Information Security: Now Covers the Economics of Cyber Security and the Intersection of Privacy and Information Security For years, IT and security professionals and students have... czytaj dalej