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Game Programming All in One
J. Harbour Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Designed to help beginners get started and provide them with enough information to create their own games, this volume requires no previous experience with programming, but a good understanding of computers is recommended. ... czytaj dalej

Make Your Small Business Website Work
John Heartfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Small companies with or without websites often struggle with two main questions: What should the business offer on the site? How can the business organize and build the most effective website? Make Your Small... czytaj dalej

Strategies & Policies in Digital Convergence
S. Park Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Strategies and Policies in Digital Convergence is the authoritative reference source describing issues in business strategy and public policy rising from digital convergence. Cutting-edge descriptions of mobile... czytaj dalej

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book
M. Evening Wydawnictwo: inne

While Adobe Photoshop has long been their choice for editing digital photographs, many photographers want a more focused tool. That's where Adobe Photoshop Lightroom comes in. designed from the ground up with... czytaj dalej

Tworzenie użytecznego oprogramowania
Cogswell Jeff Wydawnictwo: Mikom

Nie jest łatwo przygotować dobre oprogramowanie ? ta książka uczy jak to robić. Efektywne oprogramowanie odnosi sukces ? każdy chce go używać. Doświadczony programista pokazuje nam, jak każdy aspekt pracy twórcy... czytaj dalej

Oracle9iAS Administration Handbook
Burleson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the exclusive publisher of Oracle Press books, here is an architectural and technical reference on how to use Oracle Application Server 10g to Web-enable Oracle databases for application server systems... czytaj dalej

FrontPage 2002 Weekend Crash CourseTM
E. Butow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In less than 15 hours, this crash course aims to provide the first-time Frontpage 2002 user with the essentials required to start a site, create pages and publish the finished product for all to see. The book... czytaj dalej

Beginning VB.NET
Willis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What is this book about? In Beginning VB.NET 2003, three expert authors guide you through the basics of building working applications, creating windows and boxes, handling unexpected events, using object-oriented... czytaj dalej

M. Knasmuller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Driven by the year-2000 problem, the hordes of COBOL developers experienced a renaissance, but the times when COBOL was state-of-the-art are long gone. Object-orientation, application servers, web front-ends... czytaj dalej

Windows NT File System
Robert Denn Wydawnictwo:

Windows NT File System Internals presents the details of the NT I/O Manager, the Cache Manager, and the Memory Manager from the perspective of a software developer writing a file system driver or implementing... czytaj dalej