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While Adobe Photoshop has long been their choice for editing digital photographs, many photographers want a more focused tool. That's where Adobe Photoshop Lightroom comes in. designed from the ground up with... czytaj dalej
Książka zachęca do zastosowania aktywnego podejścia do bezpieczeństwa sieci przez wzmacnianie systemów Windows przeciw atakom. Książka stanowi podręczne źródło metod postępowania, które można podjąć natychmiast... czytaj dalej
Examines how risk management security technologies must prevent virus and computer attacks, as well as providing insurance and processes for natural disasters such as fire, floods, tsunamis, terrorist attacks... czytaj dalej
The physical linkages responsible for carrying a company's data continue to be the most neglected components of the typical network -- to the extent that nearly 70% of all network-related problems result from... czytaj dalej
Extensive data on the theoretical and practical aspects of electronic reference services! Digital Reference Services provides an overview of electronic reference services and software, and explores the opportunities... czytaj dalej
Whether you are an intermediate Web designer looking to take your sites to the next level or a more experienced designer looking to improve your professional skills, you will find the tools to meet your needs... czytaj dalej
Increasing reliance on the Internet in both work and home environments has radically increased the vulnerability of computing systems to attack from a wide variety of threats. Firewall technology continues... czytaj dalej
This book is a complete revision of the best-selling, well-respected first edition (1578701686). The continued focus of Voice over IP Fundamentals is to bring users, implementers, and developers of this technology... czytaj dalej
A long awaited comprehensive introduction to the key skills every animator needs, whether they are working in 2D, 3D model, or computer animation. Benefit from the wealth of information in this complete course... czytaj dalej
The "Dictionary of Information Security" is a compilation of security terms and definitions that working security professionals and IT students will find helpful. IT professionals and IT students... czytaj dalej