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The World Wide Web has never looked better. WWW Design: Web Pages from Around the World features the best that global designers have to offer.Organized by country, these designs represent the highest achievement... czytaj dalej
This is the first book that renders a thorough discussion of systems science. It draws on material from an extensive collection of external sources, including several other books and a special library collection... czytaj dalej
With this IMC Plan Pro Booklet and software, students are able create their on integrated marketing communications plans, complete with sample ads and related marketing materials. The software allows students... czytaj dalej
For the introductory MIS course required of all business majors. Kroenke introduces the world of MIS to today's students by connecting with them in their current learning environment and offering professors... czytaj dalej
Web design is no longer simply about designing attractive Web pages that link to each other. Dynamic content, user collaboration, database integration, diverse content management, and server- and client-side... czytaj dalej
W ramach serii "Szkoła XXI" Wydawnictwo Pedagogiczne OPERON proponuje zintegrowany zestaw dydaktyczny do nauki chemii dla liceum ogólnokształcącego,liceum profilowanego i technikum.... czytaj dalej
Tom 3 omawia zagadnienia: podstawowe czynności życiowe organizmów... czytaj dalej
Każda osoba z praktyczną znajomością Windows NT będzie mogła zyskać na informacjach zawartych w tej książce. Lecz proszę nie wprowadzić się w błąd. Ta książka jest napisana z myślą o profesjonalistach z branży... czytaj dalej
As businesses attempt to maximize every employee hour, knowledge management and collaboration tools have become more popular. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 offers businesses a secure enterprise portal solution... czytaj dalej
Special Edition Using Oracle Applications is designed to be the most complete desktop reference available. It includes unique popular topics such as manufacturing and HR/Payroll applications. Implementation... czytaj dalej