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Ćwiczeniowe arkusze egzaminacyjne matematyka nowa matura
Jędruch Krystyna Wydawnictwo: Zielona Sowa

Matura - ćwiczeniowe arkusze egzaminacyjne to seria pomocy napisanych przez doświadczonych nauczycieli, członków komisji egzaminacyjnych, przeznaczona dla maturzystów. Każda pozycja z serii zawiera trzy zestawy... czytaj dalej

Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic & Transportation
Klugl Wydawnictwo: inne

Building effective and user-friendly transportation systems is one of the big challenges for engineers in the 21st century. There is an increasing need to understand, model, and govern such systems at both... czytaj dalej

Using Oracle Applications
B. Corporation Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Special Edition Using Oracle Applications is designed to be the most complete desktop reference available. It includes unique popular topics such as manufacturing and HR/Payroll applications. Implementation... czytaj dalej

Game Development with Lua
M. Manyen Wydawnictwo: inne

Lua 5.0 is an open-source, freeware scripting language. It is gaining popularity in the world of game development, because of the power and ease with which it can control complex GUIs and artificial intelligence... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Systems Science
J. Warfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first book that renders a thorough discussion of systems science. It draws on material from an extensive collection of external sources, including several other books and a special library collection... czytaj dalej

PHP & MySQL by Example
M. Gargenta Wydawnictwo: angielskie

PHP is a simple and powerful open source scripting language that has become a big player in dynamic website development. It is a truly cross-platform language specifically designed to interface with databases... czytaj dalej

Tomorrow's Technology and You, Introductory 8e
G. Beekman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For introductory courses in computer concepts often including instruction in Microsoft Office.  Explores the promises and challenges of information technology, along with its effect on businesses, people, society... czytaj dalej

Special Edition Using Microsoft Expression Web
Cheshire Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Web design is no longer simply about designing attractive Web pages that link to each other. Dynamic content, user collaboration, database integration, diverse content management, and server- and client-side... czytaj dalej

CMMI for Outsourcing
Hofman Wydawnictwo: inne

[Heavily taken from book preface] In 2005, General Motors teamed up with the SEI to help adapt CMMI to reflect acquisition of technology solutions and together have published an initial version of the CMMI-ACQ... czytaj dalej

Aho Wydawnictwo: inne

Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, known to professors, students, and developers worldwide as the "Dragon Book," is available in a new edition. Every chapter has been completely revised... czytaj dalej