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You already know Photoshop Elements 4 basics. Now you'd like to go beyond with shortcuts, tricks, and tips that let you work smarter and faster. And because you learn more easily when someone shows you how... czytaj dalej
As businesses attempt to maximize every employee hour, knowledge management and collaboration tools have become more popular. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 offers businesses a secure enterprise portal solution... czytaj dalej
If you are looking to make your job of building Web pages as effortless as possible and need a quick and easy understanding of the technology in order to do so, then this book is for you#150;whether you#146;re... czytaj dalej
Contemporary Issues in End User Computing brings a wealth of end user computing information to one accessible location. This collection includes empirical and theoretical research concerned with all aspects... czytaj dalej
Coraz większa część współczesnego oprogramowania jest wytwarzana w oparciu o architekturę zorientowaną na usługi (ang. Service Oriented Architecture). Podstawą technologiczną SOA są usługi XML sieci Web (ang... czytaj dalej
The bestselling, full-color introduction to Windows will be updated from beginning to end! In Windows Vista QuickSteps, full-color graphics and visual step-by-step instructions lead you through the operating... czytaj dalej
Before SQL programmers could begin working with OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) systems, they had to unlearn procedural, record-oriented programming before moving on to SQLs declarative, set-oriented... czytaj dalej
This handy 180-page book offers a great overview of QuickTime Pro, including a fundamental explanation of video encoding and an invaluable look-up guide of video codecs and the QuickTime Pro interface. Includes... czytaj dalej
Ideal for introductory and advanced level courses in computer graphics, desktop publishing and/or web design software applications. THE FIRST TRUE ACADEMIC SERIES FOR GRAPHICS! The Essentials for Design series... czytaj dalej
For advanced undergraduate or graduate-level courses in Networking or for professionals managing networks. Network management is an interesting, but intellectually challenging, problem - therefore, there is... czytaj dalej