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Introduction to Credit Derivatives
M. Chudhry Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In a relatively short time credit derivatives have grown to become one of the largest and most important segment of the financial markets, with deal volumes now in trillions of dollars. They have become an... czytaj dalej

Strategic Human Resource Management
A. Sharma Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Strategic Human Resource Management provides a comprehensive and detailed introduction to the concept of Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM). Designed as a text, it analyses the concept from micro and... czytaj dalej

East Asia Integrates
K. Krumm Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the economies of East Asia shape a development strategy, trade and investment integration will be key elements. Increasingly the development agenda in the region, with its focus on growth, jobs and social... czytaj dalej

Qualitative Indicators of Labour Standards
D. Kucera Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recent years have witnessed a rapidly growing interest in the use and construction of "qualitative" indicators of labour standards. Qualitative indicators, while generally having numerical values... czytaj dalej

Annotated Timeline of Operations Research
S. Gass Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An Annotated Timeline of Operations Research: An informal history recounts the evolution of Operations Research (OR) as a new science - the science of decision making. Arising from the urgent operational issues... czytaj dalej

Game Theory & International Environmental Cooperation
M. Finus Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Finus develops the important insights of game theory for understanding international environmental problems in a rigorous yet accessible manner. The book is extremely comprehensive, and will take readers should... czytaj dalej

Key Concepts in International Business
Jonathan Sutherland, Diane Canwell Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

Key Concepts in International Business is one of a range of comprehensive glossaries with entries arranged alphabetically for easy reference. All major concepts, terms, theories and theorists are incorporated... czytaj dalej

Economic Geography
Bagchi-Sen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The impact of economic geography both within and beyond the wider field of geography has been constrained in the past by its own limitations. Drawing together the work of several eminent geographers this superb collection... czytaj dalej

Europejski Bank Centralny a rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej
D.M. Mazur, M.J. Mazur Wydawnictwo: FOSZE

Właściwie prowadzona polityka monetarna w świecie nacechowanym niepewno-ścią stanowi wyzwanie dla każdego banku centralnego. Niepewność co do ekono-micznych relacji oraz możliwych zmian w strukturze gospodarki... czytaj dalej

Podstawy inwestowania na giełdach towarowych
Drewiński Marek Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

SPIS TREŚCI: Wstęp; Powstanie i rozwój giełd towarowych (Giełdy współczesne - powstanie i ewolucja * Funkcje giełd towarowych we współczesnej gospodarce * Giełdy towarowe w Polsce w okresie rozbiorów i do II... czytaj dalej