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For Marketing Ethics, Marketing and Society, and any Marketing course that covers ethical issues.Marketing Ethics recognizes the higher order obligations of marketing and provides a forum to discuss critical... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate or graduate courses on human resource management; also appropriate for brief executive development courses or as a supplementary text for courses in which other topics are combined with HRM... czytaj dalej
Praise for Tougher Boards for Tougher Times "Written by one of Canada's leading and most experienced directors, Tougher Boards for Tougher Times is a must-read for all aspiring, current and seasoned... czytaj dalej
In recent years, monumental events have altered the financial landscape, and the investment banking industry has been likewise transformed. In the United States, deregulation has permitted new affiliations... czytaj dalej
"James Altucher is scary smart, and also a font of great and original ideas. So it's no surprise that SuperCa$h is so much fun to read and so devilishly informative. It is equally full of 'holy cow!' moments... czytaj dalej
This best-selling introductory survey text provides comprehensive coverage ofall functional areas within the field including management, marketing, accounting, economics, finance, law, and computer information... czytaj dalej
Four years after his global best-seller, Joseph Stiglitz now brings the story up to the present, examining how change has occurred even more rapidly since then, proposing solutions and looking into the future... czytaj dalej
The Way of the Road Warrior offers weary business travelers inspiration, advice, and practical skills for conquering the competition while conducting business on the road. This business traveler#8217;s handbook... czytaj dalej
A comprehensive introduction to contemporary multinational strategic leadership and management, this book serves as a foundation to inspire the kind of creative entrepreneurial thought and action needed to... czytaj dalej
Marketing is a very diverse discipline, dealing with everything from the costs of globalization to the benefits of money-back guarantees. However, there is one thing that all marketing academics share. They... czytaj dalej