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Gospodarka świata u progu XXI wieku
Wojnarski Dariusz Wydawnictwo: inne

Książka jest pierwszym syntetycznym ujęciem rozwoju gospodarki świata w ostatniej dekadzie XX wieku. To czas wyjątkowo intensywnych przemian związanych chociażby z rozpadem bloku radzieckiego czy wybuchem licznych... czytaj dalej

Błędy o oszustwa w dokumentach finansowo-księgowych
Karol Schneider Wydawnictwo: PWE

Błędy i oszustwa w dokumentach finansowo-księgowych to pierwsza na polskim rynku wydawniczym praca przedstawiająca relacje prawa bilansowego, podatkowego, karno-skarbowego i cywilnego dotyczące fałszowania... czytaj dalej

Bodie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bodie, Kane, and Marcus' Investments is the leading textbook for the graduate/MBA investments market. It is recognized as the best blend of practical and theoretical coverage, while maintaining an appropriate... czytaj dalej

Mastering Enterprise
S. Birley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Everybody can recognise an entrepreneur but few can define what one is. An entrepreneur is more than an innovative spirit and a visionary opportunist. Are there any traits entrepreneurs have in common? The... czytaj dalej

America's Changing Coasts
Whitelaw Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Following a comprehensive overview by the editors, this volume's expert contributors provide detailed discussion of important legal, ecological and social issues associated with coastal resource management... czytaj dalej

MP Financial Accounting with Annual Report
P. Libby Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Libby/Libby/Short wrote this text based on their belief that the subject of financial accounting is inherently interesting, but financial accounting textbooks are often not. They believe most financial accounting... czytaj dalej

Secrets of Successful Leaders
Brooks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What today's top companies are looking for and what tomorrow's leaders need to know Based on a recent survey of Fortune 500 CEOs, senior executives, hiring managers and team leaders, this invaluable new book... czytaj dalej

China CEO
Fernandez Wydawnictwo: angielskie

CHINA CEO: Voices of Experience From 20 International Business Leaders is based on interviews with 20 top executives and eight experienced consultants based in China. The book is packed with first-hand, front-line... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Variable Income Annuities
Dellinger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In-depth coverage of variable income annuities With trillions of dollars in retirement savings assets, the tens of millions of Americans on the precipice of retirement need to convert these savings into retirement... czytaj dalej

Facilitator Excellence Handbook
F. Rees Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the thoroughly revised and updated edition of the best-selling The Facilitator Excellence Handbook. Written for both new and experienced facilitators, the second edition of The Facilitator Excellence... czytaj dalej