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Charakterystyka kontraktów opcyjnychDynamika modeli procesów finansowychWycena kontraktów opcyjnychDynamiczne strategie zabezpieczające... czytaj dalej
Podręcznik dla menedżerów i studentów MBA o tym, jak wybierać i jak być członkiem efektywnej i konstruktywnej rady nadzorczej.... czytaj dalej
Receive and understand the best practices for service sector companies
Guide and plan operational excellence in your area of accountability
Improve cycle times
Cut cost through eliminating non-value a...
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Get the best deal every time--whether you're buying, managing, or selling Whether you're just starting out or have years of investing experience, Real Estate Investor's Checklist is the perfect tool for making... czytaj dalej
This three volume Encyclopedia offers the first comprehensive and authoritative survey of the rapidly developing field of international political economy. Its entries cover the major theoretical issues and... czytaj dalej
At the height of the 1990s boom, Jack Grubman, one of the most successful analysts in Wall Street proclaimed #8216;what used to be conflicts of interest are now synergies#8217;. This myopia contributed dramatically... czytaj dalej
Praise for Intangible Assets "In Intangible Assets, Jeffrey Cohen presents an informative, thought-provoking and practical look at an increasingly important component of every business's worth. He describes... czytaj dalej
When business owners, managers, HRD employees, or experts in their field are responsible for the dissemination of training to their workers, or find themselves thrust into the role of trainer, they are often... czytaj dalej
An authoritative perspective on productivity from McKinsey Company. This series, published in cooperation with The McKinsey Global Institute, offers important ideas and provides a broad outlook on critical... czytaj dalej
The fact is, because they're the ones doing the day-to-day work, front-line employees see a great many problems and opportunities that their managers don't. But most organisations do very poorly at tapping... czytaj dalej