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The sales manager's step-by-step guide to better team performance As an experienced sales manager, how do you improve your team's performance? Which selling skills, developed to their fullest potential, have... czytaj dalej
Case histories from around the world provide lessons on the international application of project management Also includes, 16 completely new chapters including ones on the rebuilding of Iraq, project management... czytaj dalej
Organized along product lines, the book will analyze many of the original classes of structured assets, including mortgage- and asset-backed securities and strips, as well as the newest structured and synthetic... czytaj dalej
Although many firms label themselves 'global', very few can back this up with truly global sales and operations. In The Regional Multinationals Alan Rugman examines first-hand data from multinationals and finds... czytaj dalej
In this "Wall Street Journal" business bestseller the authors make a compelling case for the wisdom of focusing energy and resources on more targeted goals. By choosing the attribute on which to dominate... czytaj dalej
W szybko globalizującej się gospodarce coraz częściej mamy do czynienia z wychodzeniem firm ze swoją działalnością gospodarczą za granicę. W podręczniku wyjaśniono koncepcje zagranicznej ekspansji... czytaj dalej
Celem niniejszej pracy jest zaprezentowanie działalności przedsiębiorstw międzynarodowych w szerokim ujęciu, nie ograniczonym wyłącznie do aspektów ekonomicznych. Szczególne znaczenie ma przedstawienie korporacji... czytaj dalej
What makes despotic leaders tick? How do they become despots? On a lesser (but far more common) scale: why are some people ruthlessly abrasive in the workplace? Why do some business leaders appear to lose their... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate and MBA course in Management Communication, Writing, or Oral Presentations courses, and Executive Seminars or Workshops.Guide to Managerial Communication is a clear, concise and practical... czytaj dalej
A well-researched guide to the most profitable spreads in the futures market The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads is divided by product category-energy, natural gas, meats, soybeans, corn/wheat... czytaj dalej