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Open Systems examines how international artists rethought the object of art in the late 1960s and 1970s as they sought to connect with the increasingly urgent political developments of the decade and make their... czytaj dalej
This succinct overview explains conglomeration and regulation in the film and television industries, covering its history as well as the contemporary scene. Former producer William M. Kunz shows how the structure... czytaj dalej
You may have wondered why it is that pillows are always hanging out in bed. It's because they are sex-crazed fiends, ready to partake in a steamy pillow orgy the minute you close the door. The celebrated children's... czytaj dalej
Historical film has been an important genre the earliest silents. Lincoln, Jesus, the French Revolution, World War II - all have been repeatedly "represented" in film. But how does film represent... czytaj dalej
"Theater Design" explores the design philosophy and process of the most influential designers in contemporary theatre. The designers featured in the book have established for themselves a unique signature... czytaj dalej
There are many single, striking images that encapsulate an event. Often, though, the photojournalists--who go to dangerous lengths to capture the moment--remain under the radar. The latest in the stunning The... czytaj dalej
Offering unique insight into the world of contemporary art, British Artists at Work looks at four generations of artists, from the established to the newly emerging. Photographs of each of the artists, taken... czytaj dalej
The culmination of a two-part project, this volume takes an extended look at recent, important acquisitions by the Art Institute of Chicago's departments of American Arts, Architecture, Asian Art, European... czytaj dalej
To the eye of some viewers, Renoir's Great Bathers are the very picture of female sensuality and beauty. To others, they embody a whole tradition of masculine mastery and feminine display. Yet others find... czytaj dalej
Malowałem linie i kolory, które oddziaływały na moje wewnętrzne oko. Malowałem z pamięci, nic nie dodając, bez szczegółów, których nie miałem przed oczami. Stąd bierze się prostota moich obrazków, ich widoczny... czytaj dalej