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This unique book, developed in collaboration with the artists, includes contributions from writers, leading critics, commentators, artists and film-makers. Several texts have been specifically commissioned... czytaj dalej
In 1973, artist John Divola began the first of three highly ambitious and original bodies of work that together form this publication. "The Vandalism" series comprises black-and-white photographs... czytaj dalej
#8220;Like democracy itself, American Style is a celebration of the individual, the independent, and even on occasion the eccentrically idiosyncratic.#8221; [Harold Koda]Courtney Love, Cindy Sherman, Las Vegas... czytaj dalej
The painters of the "Blue Rider" turned the worlds of form and colour upside down to give expression to their feelings, ideas and dreams. Their cows were yellow, people were green, trees red and horses... czytaj dalej
This catalogue of the inaugural exhibit of the recently opened Museum der Moderne in Salzburg reflects the contemporary nature of the museum in both its design and its layout. Europe's most exciting new museum... czytaj dalej
"Queen as King" traces the origins of San Isidoro in Leon as a royal monastic complex, following its progress as the site changed from a small eleventh-century palatine chapel housed in a double monastery... czytaj dalej
'Blink' presents the work of 100 contemporary photographers, selected by ten international critics, curators and creative directors. As an exhibition in a book, this work showcases up-and-coming talent from... czytaj dalej
Ever since antiquity, philosophers have pointed to the supposed 'divine' character of music, and following Pythagoras's discovery of the mathematical basis of the musical scale, have posited a link between... czytaj dalej
"Photo Trouvee" brings together 285 anonymous 'amateur' photographs, which were discovered and collected over a period of over twenty years in flea markets and antique shops. They are taken from the... czytaj dalej
German designer Konstantin Grcic was born in Munich in 1965. After opening his practice KGID (Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design) in 1990, he very quickly received recognition for his simple, ingenious products... czytaj dalej