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Open Systems
D. De Salvo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Open Systems examines how international artists rethought the object of art in the late 1960s and 1970s as they sought to connect with the increasingly urgent political developments of the decade and make their... czytaj dalej

Culture Conglomerates
Kunz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This succinct overview explains conglomeration and regulation in the film and television industries, covering its history as well as the contemporary scene. Former producer William M. Kunz shows how the structure... czytaj dalej

True Loving & Other Tales
Bernado Wydawnictwo: inne

Jordi Bernado, with his formidably acute humour, describes unknown places of the United States depicted by suggestive names such as Paradise (Texas), Utopia, and Eden. To create his photographs, Bernad? starts... czytaj dalej

Panoramic Photography
Frich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Panoramic Photography This comprehensive study of panoramic photography covers all the basics, including photo-optical principles, composition, various types of panoramic cameras, and presentation and storage... czytaj dalej

Collection's Vision
A. Husslein-Arco Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This catalogue of the inaugural exhibit of the recently opened Museum der Moderne in Salzburg reflects the contemporary nature of the museum in both its design and its layout. Europe's most exciting new museum... czytaj dalej

Divine Order
P. Vergo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ever since antiquity, philosophers have pointed to the supposed 'divine' character of music, and following Pythagoras's discovery of the mathematical basis of the musical scale, have posited a link between... czytaj dalej

SoHo New York
S. Kahn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"SoHo New York" offers an unparalleled photographic portrait of this unique urban neighborhood. Gifted photographer Steve Kahn captures the spirit of this world-renowned district with photographs... czytaj dalej

AS Film Studies
S. Benyahia Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Highlighted with over fifty colour illustrations and line drawings, AS Film Studies provides every student entering the course with a comprehensive companion to their work. The authors, including Freddie Gaffney... czytaj dalej

Men of World War II
E. Bachner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the years following World War II, images of comradeship, particularly of men being physically close, largely disappeared from the public record. But, as the stunning photographs from the original "At... czytaj dalej

Roncero Wydawnictwo: inne

Subject is a collective show that gives a new twist to the idea of the contemporary portrait by absolutely neutralizing the representation of the sitter, not only in terms of composition but of also in gesture. ... czytaj dalej