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Bayeux Tapestry
W. Grape Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A theory that the Bayeaux tapestry originated in Bayeaux itself. ... czytaj dalej

And Fork
Various Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Following the success of 'Spoon', this title presents 10 leading design experts' choice of 100 of the most important young product designers from around the world. With a short written piece provided by the... czytaj dalej

Writing & Producing Radio Dramas
E. De Fossard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a practical guide for writers, producers and others who use radio dramas as the vehicle to bring about behaviour change among socioeconomically disadvantaged communities in the developing world. ... czytaj dalej

Long Wydawnictwo: inne

For more than 30 years, the Wing has produced the Working in the Theatre seminars, a series that features the greatest names in theatre. In book form for the first time, this title is compact, and at an affordable-paperback... czytaj dalej

Professional Short Films with Autodesk 3ds Max
Neuhahn Wydawnictwo: inne

Professional Short Films with 3ds max is about using the tools in 3ds max to create short films that are on par with feature films. It teaches 3ds max users everything about animated film creation from coming... czytaj dalej

Making Renaissance Art
Woods Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book explores key themes in the making of Renaissance painting, sculpture, architecture and prints: the use of specific techniques and materials, theory and practice, change and continuity in artistic... czytaj dalej

A. Varichon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Colour is one of the most basic means of human expression. It can connote mood, social standing, political alignment, or merely personal preference. In "Colors", archaeologist and ethnologist Anne... czytaj dalej

Jaar SCL
Jaar Wydawnictwo: inne

A re-encounter with Chilean audiences after an absence of twenty-five years. An anthology of works better known to the rest of the world than to his native country. A frank, demanding dialogue with a new public... czytaj dalej

Colorblind Shakespeare
A. Loomba Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The systematic practice of non-traditional or "colorblind" casting began with Joseph Papp's New York Shakespeare Festival in the 1950s. Although colorblind casting has been practiced for half a century... czytaj dalej

Brand Bollywood
D. Bose Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on original research, this book draws on the author's personal observations and extensive discussions with film makers, media professionals and market players. It is backed by data from a variety of surveys... czytaj dalej