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Bayeux Tapestry
W. Grape Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A theory that the Bayeaux tapestry originated in Bayeaux itself. ... czytaj dalej

Cinema Today
Edward Buscombe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cinema Today is a survey of world cinema and the films that have dominated our screens over the last thirty years. Written by Edward Buscombe, academic and leading authority on Western films, Cinema Today marks... czytaj dalej

Swag 2 Rock Posters of the '90s and Beyond
S. Drate Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Such graphic manifestos of rock rebellion have long provided a visual complement to the music, gaining increased relevance and renown in the '90s by defying the disembodied nature of the digital revolution... czytaj dalej

Notable Acquisitions at The Art Institute of Chicago
G. Nosan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The culmination of a two-part project, this volume takes an extended look at recent, important acquisitions by the Art Institute of Chicago's departments of American Arts, Architecture, Asian Art, European... czytaj dalej

Collect Raindrops
N. McClure Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Armed with an X-acto knife, artist Nikki McClure painstakingly cuts out her images from a single sheet of black paper and creates a bold language that translates the complex poetry of motherhood, nature and... czytaj dalej

Ulrich Bischoff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Malowałem linie i kolory, które oddziaływały na moje wewnętrzne oko. Malowałem z pamięci, nic nie dodając, bez szczegółów, których nie miałem przed oczami. Stąd bierze się prostota moich obrazków, ich widoczny... czytaj dalej

Artist's Reality
Rothko Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This recently discovered manuscript by the celebrated artist Mark Rothko offers a landmark discussion of his views on topics ranging from the Renaissance to contemporary art, criticism, and the role of art and artists in society. ... czytaj dalej

Real Thing
Groom Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For many in the West, Chinese contemporary art is still synonymous with the political realist painters of the 1980s and 90s, who recycled the styles of communist social Realism with pop cynicism. In China itself... czytaj dalej

Henri Matisse
Berggruen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Henri Matisse: Drawings with Scissors Masterpieces from the Late YearsOlivier Berggruen and Max Hollein Now in an attractively priced flexi-cover edition, this lavishly illustrated volume presents all aspects... czytaj dalej

Steel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There are many single, striking images that encapsulate an event. Often, though, the photojournalists--who go to dangerous lengths to capture the moment--remain under the radar. The latest in the stunning The... czytaj dalej