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Woods Hole Mathematics
Tongring Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The central theme of this volume is the contemporary mathematics of geometry and physics, but the work also discusses the problem of the secondary structure of proteins, and an overview of arc complexes with... czytaj dalej

Optimal Control & Forecasting of Complex Dynamical Systems
I. Grigorenko Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This important book reviews applications of optimization and optimal control theory to modern problems in physics, nano-science and finance. The theory presented here can be efficiently applied to various... czytaj dalej

Thieme Atlas of Anatomy v 1 General Anatomy & Musculoskeleta
Schuenke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy is a revolution in the presentation of human anatomy. It combines topographical views of different body regions, in stunning detail and unprecedented clarity, with the more classical... czytaj dalej

Amorphous & Microcrystalline Silicon Materials Science & Dev
N. Nickel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This Special Issue reviews the latest experimental and theoretical studies in the field of amorphous, nano- and microcrystalline silicon covering materials preparation, electrical and optical properties, characterization... czytaj dalej

Power System Analysis
Hadi Saadat Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text is intended for undergraduates studying power system analysis and design. It gives an introduction to fundamental concepts and modern topics with applications to real-world problems. This is the first... czytaj dalej

Internet Business Models & Strategies Text & Cases
C. Tucci Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Despite the Internet's phenomenal impact on business and its reach across all sectors, no model has emerged for thoughtfully valuing companies' Internet efforts. In addition, strategies for effectively competing... czytaj dalej

Particles at Interfaces
z. Adamczyk Wydawnictwo: inne

"Particles at Interfaces" presents recent developments in this growing field and is devoted entirely to the subject of particle transport, deposition and structuring on boundary surfaces. The complex... czytaj dalej

Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine
M. Eddleston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine" provides clear and concise coverage for practitioners and students in the tropics. Medical conditions are ordered by system except for the five major tropical... czytaj dalej

MEI Decision & Discrete Mathematics
K. Parramore Wydawnictwo: inne

This series, well-known for accessibility and for a student-friendly approach, has a wealth of features: worked examples, activities, investigations, graded exercises, Key Points summaries and Discussion Points... czytaj dalej

Moral Reckoning The Role of the Church in the Holocaust
D. Goldhagen Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

With his first book, Hitler#8217;s Willing Executioners, Daniel Jonah Goldhagen dramatically revised our understanding of the role ordinary Germans played in the Holocaust. Now he brings his formidable powers... czytaj dalej