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Phlebotomy Essentials
McCall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly updated and enhanced by new print and electronic ancillaries, this full-color text provides accurate, practical information and instruction on phlebotomy procedures with a comprehensive background... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Periodontal Instrumentation and Advanced Roo
Gehrig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in full color, with over 1,400 photographs and illustrations, the Sixth Edition of this market-leading text is a step-by-step, highly visual guide to the how-to's of periodontal instrumentation. It takes... czytaj dalej

Leading the Global Workforce
L. Carter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Leading the Global Workforce provides a handy guide for international organizations that must achieve results in managing and sustaining a global workforce. The fourteen illustrative cases outlined address... czytaj dalej

Cholecystokinin & Its Antagonists in Pain Management
G. McCleane Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Clinical work with bisexual clients has conceptually shifted beyond the exclusive emphasis on either straight or lesbian and gay issues. There are still, however, too few psychotherapists who provide affirmative... czytaj dalej

Weapons of Mass Persuasion
P. Rutherford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With nearly sixty percent of Americans initially against a pre-emptive war without sanction from the United Nations, and even higher anti-war numbers in most other nations of the world, the 2003 war against... czytaj dalej

Human Anatomy & Physiology
S. Kravits Wydawnictwo: inne

Elaine Marieb's clearly written and comprehensive lab manuals guide students through well-planned lab activities and feature illustrations and full-color photographs that help students to better understand... czytaj dalej

Heart Disease 6e
E. Braunwald,Douglas Zipes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Najnowsze wydanie Braunwald's Heart Disease zawiera 30 całkowicie nowych rozdziałów a informacje wcześniej publikowane zostały uzupełnione i uaktualnione. Zespół redakcyjny składający się z 98 światowej sławy... czytaj dalej

Practical Guide to Care of Geriatric Patient 2e
Fred Ferri,Marsha Fretwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This pocket manual provides quick access to important information specific to geriatric patient care. It combines a straight-forward description of the most common situations encountered during rotations, residencies... czytaj dalej

Monitoring Educational Performance In the Caribbean
E. di Gropello Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This study represents an attempt to provide a comprehensive quantification of educational outcomes in the Caribbean region. Its main objectives are: to define a set of operationally relevant education indicators;... czytaj dalej

Stochastic Models
J. Gonzalez-Barrios Wydawnictwo: inne

The volume includes lecture notes and research papers by participants of the Seventh Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes held in Mexico City. The lecture notes introduce recent advances in stochastic... czytaj dalej