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Brick Pavement & Fence-Walls Authentic Details for Design
Peter Harrison Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One of the oldest and most versatile building materials available, brick is used for period landscape design in walkways, entry pavements, courtyards, terraces, porticoes, steps, and fencewalls. With the increased... czytaj dalej

Primer on Organizational Behavior 5e
James Bowditch,Anthony Buono Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book introduces the reader to terms and concepts that are necessary to understand OB and their application to modern organizations. It also offers sufficient grounding in the field that enables the reader... czytaj dalej

Standards of Value
J. Fishman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Standards of Value covers the underlying assumption in many of the prominent standards of value, including Fair Market Value, investment value, and fair value. It discusses the specific purposes of the valuation... czytaj dalej

Medical Therapy of Breast Cancer
Z. Rayter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

There have been very significant advances across many areas of the study, investigation and treatment of breast cancer. This new publication brings these developments fully up to date and surveys how scientific... czytaj dalej

Interpreting WTO Agreements Problems & Perspectives
A. Qureshi Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The case law of the World Trade Organization is now extensive, running into over one hundred cases and thousands of pages. The interpretative process involved in this jurisprudence constitutes a form of legislative... czytaj dalej

Secession: International Law Perspectives
Kohen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The end of the Cold War brought about new secessionist aspirations and the strengthening and re-awakening of existing or dormant separatist claims everywhere. The creation of a new independent entity through... czytaj dalej

Biology & Pathology of Trophoblast
Moffett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first dedicated, in-depth account of trophoblast: the tissue derived from the fertilized egg that nourishes and protects the developing fetus. The cells of the trophoblast have many unique qualities... czytaj dalej

Near-Field Cosmology with Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies
H. Jerjen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Dwarf galaxies offer a valuable insight into the physical processes that govern galaxy formation and evolution at high redshift. These elusive stellar systems are helping astronomers to find answers to some... czytaj dalej

7 Metaphors on Management
F. Muna Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text covers seven management metaphors that have been of great value to the author and his clients over the years in his roles as a father, manager and management trainer. Some chapters contain checklists... czytaj dalej

Jorge el Curioso en el Hospital
Rey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Readers learn all about the hospital as George goes in for an operation to remove a puzzle piece he has eaten.... czytaj dalej