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When Line Bends Shape Begins
Rhonda Greene Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With jaunty rhyming text, young readers are invited to find different shapes on each busy, vibrant page. The perfect book for little ones beginning to distinguish shapes. "A well-conceived, bouncy and... czytaj dalej

Discovering the Twentieth Century World
Wiesner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discovering the Twentieth-Century Worldguides students through the process of historical inquiry and exploration. The text features thirteen chapters devoted to such topics as:Modern Art The World Wars The... czytaj dalej

Stedman's Concise Medical & Allied Health Dictionary
J. Dirckx Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Słownik zawiera ponad 40.000 haseł i 380 ilustracji. Pozwala na łatwy dostęp do fachowego słownictwa z dziedziny medycyny i nauk pokrewnych. Jest podręcznym uzupełnieniem 26-tego już wydania Stedman's Medical... czytaj dalej

Neurological Complications Aids
Said Wydawnictwo: inne

Coherent and comprehensive guide to management of neurological problems associated with HIV infection and AIDS. The Major Problems in Neurology Series is a collection of authoritative, comprehensively referenced... czytaj dalej

Eye Basic Sciences in Practice
Forrester Wydawnictwo: inne

A new edition of the only compact and all-embracing textbook of basic science for trainee ophthalmologists.The only comprehensive book of this type for trainee ophthalmologists. Other books available only... czytaj dalej

Black's Concise Atlas of Human Anatomy
McCracken Wydawnictwo: inne

Black's Concise Atlas of Human Anatomy presents the most up-to-date concise anatomy of the human body, featuring award-winning illustrations. It is invaluable both for home reference and all those who need... czytaj dalej

Twelve Days of Christmas
S. Bakhurst Wydawnictwo: inne

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS MUSICAL is a sparkly adaptation of the famous Christmas song of the same name. It is a wonderful, exciting musical that really captures the true giving spirit of Christmas. Intended... czytaj dalej

E H Gombrich Bibliography
J. Trapp Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume documents the remarkable range of E H Gombrich... czytaj dalej

Truth or Consequences
N. Waplington Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nick Waplington has taken photographs in and around Truth or Consequences, a small town situated in New Mexico, for nearly ten years. Typical and unremarkable in many ways, the town's extraordinary name derives... czytaj dalej

Oparil Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The revised and updated 2nd Edition provides a logical, practical framework for managing patients with hypertension. Today's leading experts discuss all aspects of the field -- from pathophysiology, pharmacological... czytaj dalej