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This groundbreaking book helps you master the management of information security, concentrating on the proactive recognition and resolution of the practical issues of developing and implementing IT security... czytaj dalej
The Medicine Meets Virtual Reality conference is a leading forum for surgical simulation and its supporting technologies, haptics and modeling. Assessment and validation studies of newly developed simulation... czytaj dalej
Compunetics, the combination of computing and networking, offers promise in the delivery of medical care to a vastly expanding market with expectations of convenient and accurate treatment. General topics of... czytaj dalej
'The Smithsonian Atlas of the Amazon provides the first comprehensive view of this massive river system, revealing the rainforest as never seen before with 150 color maps and almost 300 stunning photographs... czytaj dalej
Revolutionary Passage is a cultural, social, and political history of Russia during fifteen crucial years. Garcelon traces this history from perestroika to the rise of Vladimir Putin, and argues that the pressures... czytaj dalej
The world of home entertainment is changing rapidly, and now consumers have a wide range of options. This book will guide readers through all the aspects of creating a beautiful and comfortable home that elegantly... czytaj dalej
"Sense" is a two-book package celebrating the best of the magazine. The first book is a collection of the articles from all 96 issues and the second explores each issue visually by showcasing the... czytaj dalej
E-learning has assumed a significant role in the educational sector in both face-to-face learning and distance learning forms. Universities all over the globe have adopted e-learning methodology, or are planning... czytaj dalej
'This book with its collection of classical and influential articles is a must on the desk of any scholar with an interest in the behavior of foreign exchange rates. Researchers in the field of foreign exchange... czytaj dalej
Even the most experienced clinician cannot be expected to remember all the relevant details of so many and varied uncommon problems of the seriously ill. Some of these problems can be overlooked in even a major... czytaj dalej