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Breast Imaging
E. Sickles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This addition to the UCSF Interactive Radiology Series helps strengthen your knowledge and diagnostic skills by guiding you through various hypothetical processes--evaluating the patient, selecting the appropriate... czytaj dalej

Powerpuff Girls Souvenir Storybook #03
Mooney Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This cool collectible mini-book was written by Buttercup herself! Collect all three books#8249;one by each of the Girls#8249;and see what it would be like to be a Powerpuff! ... czytaj dalej

I'm Nobody! Who Are You?
Dickinson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Introduce your young poet to one of the greatest American poets with this wonderful collection. Over 100 poems highlight the imagery and lyricism of Dickinson’s verse, from famous favorites like “Hope is the... czytaj dalej

Back Pain Revolution
Gordon Waddell Wydawnictwo: inne

A handbook for all clinicians concerned with the management of back pain. It presents the latest British and American guidelines for the management of non-specific low back pain together with a summary of the... czytaj dalej

Evidence Based Practice
m. Dawes Wydawnictwo: inne

This book is a comprehensive guide to all the main strands of EBHC - finding, evaluating and implementing evidence for use in clinical practice. Its focus is health professionals in the primary care field,... czytaj dalej

Diagnostic Immunochemistry 2e
D. Dabbs Wydawnictwo: inne

The New Edition of this popular text features world-renowned experts who offer the most current information and reliable guidance on immunohistochemical diagnoses in surgical pathology and cytopathology. The... czytaj dalej

Complementary Medicine
Rankin Wydawnictwo: inne

This is an easy-to-navigate handbook to help pharmacists advise on complementary and alternative medicine, and recommend what is available and what may be appropriate for a particular patient. Giving an overview... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Lower Extremity Neurology
Mandel Wydawnictwo: inne

Neurological disorders or manifestations of systemic disease (such as diabetes or stroke) in the lower extremity are common, seen by manychiropodists and primary care practitioners. Although there are many... czytaj dalej

Brick Pavement & Fence-Walls Authentic Details for Design
Peter Harrison Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One of the oldest and most versatile building materials available, brick is used for period landscape design in walkways, entry pavements, courtyards, terraces, porticoes, steps, and fencewalls. With the increased... czytaj dalej

Primer on Organizational Behavior 5e
James Bowditch,Anthony Buono Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book introduces the reader to terms and concepts that are necessary to understand OB and their application to modern organizations. It also offers sufficient grounding in the field that enables the reader... czytaj dalej