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This textbook is known for its comprehensive coverage, readability, and visual presentation. This revision builds on these strengths, adding new content and features to better address learning needs and practice... czytaj dalej
'In The Political Sociology of Freedom, Ronald Hamowy demonstrates that he is one of the leading scholars of the Scottish Enlightenment and its project for the social sciences and political theory.'- Peter... czytaj dalej
Traditional measures of economic activity, such as GDP, take no account of damage done to the stock of natural capital by environmental change nor the loss of welfare that economic activity causes through increased... czytaj dalej
'This is not a lighthearted book, but rather an inspiring tale that challenges the development of copyright. A detailed historical analysis of copyright leads to fundamental questions about the role of copyright... czytaj dalej
This book will redress the balance between knowledge concerning underlying mechanisms and the subsequent consequences of the more severe end of the disease spectrum of asthma. ... czytaj dalej
Heart failure is becoming the biggest cardiovascular disorder in the industrialized countries. With the development of new drugs for heart failure, such as ACE inhibitors, the prognosis for the presenting patient... czytaj dalej
Evidence has emerged which challenges the original concept of periodontal disease on which the present approach to treatment has long been based. There is reason to consider the possibility that there is more... czytaj dalej
The authors critically examine "vulnerability" as a concept that is vital to the way we understand the impact and magnitude of disasters. The book is a counterbalance to technocratic approaches that... czytaj dalej
Bioengineering offers many opportunities for forestry. Bioengineered trees can produce more valuable wood, help reclaim contaminated land, improve the health of urban trees, and facilitate pest management.... czytaj dalej
What if you could consistently bring in $5,000 to $50,000 in real estate cash flow every month? Would you change the way you live your life? Every year, thousands of Americans do just that, using real estate... czytaj dalej