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Perspectives on International Relations
Nau Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Henry R. Nau's concise and accessible text offers a framework that enables students to recognize and evaluate the different perspectives through which we try to make sense of international politics. Nau shows... czytaj dalej

Aerosol Sampling
Vincent Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides a comprehensive account of the important field of aerosol sampling as it is applied to the measurement of aerosols that are ubiquitous in occupational and living environments, both indoor... czytaj dalej

Carl und Gerhart Hauptmann
Białęk Edward, Czarnecka Mirosława Wydawnictwo: inne

Hans-Gert RoloffCarl Hauptmanns Napoleon-DramenUrszula KawalecBilder des Anderen - Zigeuner im Werk von Carl HauptmannDirk DalbergKultur- versus Realpolitik. Gerhart Hauptmanns Politikbegriffe in politik- und... czytaj dalej

Histopathology of Preclinical Toxicity Studies
Greaves Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Histopathology of Preclinical Toxicity Studies: Interpretation and Relevance in Drug Safety Evaluation, 3e covers all aspects of drug-induced pathology that may be encountered within preclinical toxicity studies... czytaj dalej

Maintaining Mission Critical Systems in a 24/7 Environment
P. Curtis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Mission Critical" refers to ultra-high reliability and availability requirements for electrical and mechanical systems that must meet stringent operating criteria to maintain continuous functionality... czytaj dalej

Loose Space
K. Franck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Public space is a frequent theme in recent writing about cities; scholars describe ways in which urban activities, histories and identities are prescribed, controlled and homogenized. However, in this book... czytaj dalej

Conflict Communication
P. Kellett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Conflict Communication" provides a clear, systematic, theoretically grounded discussion that enables the readers to analyze and manage conflicts based on their tangible and symbolic meanings. Using... czytaj dalej

Paradigms & Fairy Tales 2 vola
J. Ford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First published in 1975, this classic work is a unique introduction to the epistemology and practice of social science. For the non-sociologist it provides an exposition and critique of the ideology and practice... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Applied Cognition 2 ed
Durso Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First published in 1999, this Second Edition of Handbook of Applied Cognition focuses on cognitive processes, cognitive engineering and research, and work in applied psychology. Most of the original associate... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought
P. Clarke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Containing almost 200 entries from 'accountability' to the 'Westminster model' the Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought explores all the ideas that matter to democracy: past, present and future. It is destined... czytaj dalej