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Personality Disorders
P. Tyrer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Since the first edition of this book a great deal has happened in the field of personality disorders. It is a term that has now become widely used, not only throughout psychiatry where its meaning has become... czytaj dalej

Practical General Practice 3ed
Alex Khot Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A well-established guide for all GP's in practice or in training, it has been expanded and updated throughout for this new edition. Key references guide the reader to the research literature, systematic reviews... czytaj dalej

Creativity & Innovation Structural Engineer's Contribut
Bill Addis Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Illustrating the many ways that structural engineers can bring their creativity and innovation to contribute to the design of the best buildings, this book presents the full value of the engineer in helping... czytaj dalej

More Case Presentations in Paediatric & Intensive Care
Morton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This quick reference guide, with its easy-to-use format, can be used as a revision tool for professional examinations as well as a tutorial aid for lecturers. It will, therefore, be an essential purchase for... czytaj dalej

Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry
Glaesser Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The tourism industry is arguably one of the most important sources of income and foreign exchange, and is growing rapidly. However, national and international crises have huge negative economic consequences... czytaj dalej

Anterior Segment Complications of Contact Lens Wear
Silbert Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Grand rounds case reports open each chapter and provide a clinically realistic scenario for the theoretical, clinical, and pragmatic information in the text. Thirty-five world-renowned authorities thoroughly... czytaj dalej

Clinical Trials in Neurologic Practice
Peter Biller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This unique volume provides you with everything you need to know about clinical trials for neurologic disorders and how to assess them. The authors have taken the past decade's significant advances in the therapeutics... czytaj dalej

Position Releases Techniques
Deig Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Organized into three parts, the book begins with a full discussion of dynamic systems theory and the theoretical foundations of Positional Release. Examination, evaluation, treatment intervention, and patient... czytaj dalej

Security Education Awareness & Training
Roper Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book is the only one available on security training for all level of personnel. Chief Security Officers (CSOs), security managers, and heads of security forces often have to design training programs themselves... czytaj dalej

Invention of the Model
Waller Wydawnictwo: inne

Although mastery of the representation of the human figure was central to art making as early as the fifteenth century in Europe, in the nineteenth-century French imagination the artist's model became identified... czytaj dalej