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Practical Procedures in Nephrology
L. Baker,Hurst,Rudge Wydawnictwo: inne

This is a how-to-do-it book on the practical procedures carried out by medical and surgical staff in the investigation and treatment of patients with renal disease. Particular attention is paid to methods of... czytaj dalej

Law & Economic Development
H. Schafer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This is an impressive collection of articles on a subject of vital importance for the welfare of the world's poor.'- Deepak Lal, University of California, Los Angeles, USThis authoritative collection demonstrates... czytaj dalej

River Nile in the Age of the British Political Ecology
T. Tvedt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Nile today plays a crucial role in the economics, politics and cultural life of ten countries and their more than 300 million inhabitants. No other international river basin has a longer, more complex and... czytaj dalej

Weddings of Style
K. Karella Wydawnictwo: inne

Following on the success of Be My Guest... In this lavishly illustrated book, international globe-trotter Kalliope Karella takes the reader on an intimate tour of 15 of the world's most stylish weddings. With... czytaj dalej

Law & Policy of the World Trade Organization
P. Van den Bossche Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is primarily a textbook for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students of law. However, practising lawyers and policy-makers who are looking for an introduction to WTO law will also find it invaluable... czytaj dalej

Tumors of Pediatrics Nervous System
Michael Keating Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First book to achieve an integrated medical and surgical approach to tumors of the pediatric nervous system, giving you a broad array of treatment options. You will find full coverage of the newest diagnostic... czytaj dalej

Live Spine Surgery Symposium
Reindl Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This symposium was organized by MEMmedia in collaboration with the AO Spine Group. It covers the six live surgeries performed by invited faculty members, as well as the stimulating discussions between participants... czytaj dalej

Diagnostic Imaging of Hand
P. Schmitt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work serves as a new standard for radiologists and surgeons. With its complex anatomy and specialized biomechanics, the human hand has always presented physicians with a unique challenge when it comes... czytaj dalej

Plastic Techniques in Neurosurgery
James Goodrich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book highlights the successful collaboration of plastic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and, in some cases, ENT, maxillofacial, oral, and oculoplastic surgeons, in treating some of the most complex craniofacial... czytaj dalej

Continuun Scale Simulation of Engineering Materials
Raabe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Computer simulations used to describe new microstructures approaching the atomic have become remarkably complex and varied in their approach. In the first section of this collection of articles for undergraduates... czytaj dalej