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Fears in Post-Communist Society
Eric Shiraev Wydawnictwo:

Fears in Post-Communist Society is the first cross-national and comparative analysis of how fear shapes and dominates political, social, and economic life in post-Communist countries. Each chapter analyzes... czytaj dalej

Golf The Mind Factor
D. Clarke Wydawnictwo: inne

The hugely charismatic golfer from Northern Ireland has a formidable record in three Ryder Cups as well as in international tournaments. her he uses his own experience to emphasise the psychological aspect of golf.... czytaj dalej

Irish Teach Yourself
O Se Wydawnictwo: inne

The aim of this book/CD pack is to teach you to understand basic, everyday Irish. It is suitable for both the complete beginner and for Irish people who have learned some Irish at school but who have had little... czytaj dalej

Understanding Child Development Linking Theory & Practice
Lindon Wydawnictwo: inne

Written by Jennie Lindon, Understanding Child Development is refreshingly clear, readable and user-friendly. With explanations of the key theories and research in all areas of child development, this is the... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Splinting
Coppard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A splint, which is an orthopaedic device for immobilisation, restraint, or support of any part of the body, is an important rehabilitation tool used by a variety of health care professionals, especially occupational... czytaj dalej

Rosen's Emergency Medicine 3 vols
Marx Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Rosen's Emergency Medicine continues to be the premier resource defining the field of Emergency Medicine. Though it is highly clinical, focusing on the diagnosis and management of problems encountered in Accident... czytaj dalej

Pediatric Critical Care
B. Fuhrman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A new edition of this important and field-defining text!Long considered the 'bible' of paediatric critical care this new edition is an essential purchase for all paediatricians and critical care specialists... czytaj dalej

Pediatric Cardiology
Vetter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new title in the REQUISITES IN PEDIATRICS series guides you through evaluation of the pediatric heart patient with the most common congenital and acquired diseases. As in other volumes in the Pediatric... czytaj dalej

Ecology of Sandy Shores 2e
A. McLachlan Wydawnictwo: inne

The "Ecology of Sandy Shores" provides the students and researchers with a one-volume resource for understanding the conservation and management of the sandy shore ecosystem. Covering all beach types... czytaj dalej

Effective Project Management
Clements Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text covers everything students need to know about working successfully in a project environment, including how to organize and manage effective project teams. Communication is also emphasized, with a... czytaj dalej