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Quality Control with CD ROM 7e
D. Besterfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For undergraduate/graduate-level courses in Quality Control, Statistical Process Control, Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance.Practical and state-of-the-art in approach, this text provides fundamental-yet... czytaj dalej

2001 Financing Start Ups
Robert Brown,Alan Gutterman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From primary financing through initial public offering and beyond, this guide shows how to negotiate, steer clear of dangerous pitfalls and position your company for successive financing stages.... czytaj dalej

Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
Ch Pusey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Glomerulonephritis is one of the most exciting areas in renal medicine. Appropriate immunosuppressive therapy can dramatically improve the prognosis in many cases, so that renal failure may be avoided. It is... czytaj dalej

Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican 3 vols
Carrasco Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This reference aims to act as a definitive guide to the civilizations of ancient Mexico and Central America. Exploring 700 years of history - before, during, and after the European conquest - and with 500 articles... czytaj dalej

Basic Environmental Health
A. Yassi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This comprehensive interdisciplinary text draws from the social sciences, the natural sciences and the health sciences to introduce students to the principles and methods applied in environmental health. It... czytaj dalej

Practical Companion to Ethics 2ed
A. Weston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A Practical Companion to Ethics, 2/e, is a concise and accessible introduction to the basic attitudes and skills that make ethics work, like thinking for oneself, creative and integrative problem-solving, and... czytaj dalej

Human Genome Epidemiology
M. Khovry Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Advances in genomics are expected to play a central role in medicine and public health in the future by providing a genetic basis for disease prediction and prevention. The transplantation of human gene discoveries... czytaj dalej

Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine
M. Eddleston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine" provides clear and concise coverage for practitioners and students in the tropics. Medical conditions are ordered by system except for the five major tropical... czytaj dalej

MEI Decision & Discrete Mathematics
K. Parramore Wydawnictwo: inne

This series, well-known for accessibility and for a student-friendly approach, has a wealth of features: worked examples, activities, investigations, graded exercises, Key Points summaries and Discussion Points... czytaj dalej

Seven Daughters of Eve Science that Reveals our Genetic Ance
Sykes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A fascinating evaluation of our genetic origins.... czytaj dalej