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Ausgehend von Leitsymptomen bzw. Leitbefunden bei Hund und Katze bietet dieses Nachschlagewerk einen schnellen und klar strukturierten Zugang zu Differentialdiagnosen sowie detaillierte Anleitungen zur weiterführenden... czytaj dalej
Combining the disciplines of international political economy, public sector economics and comparative politics, this stimulating book debates whether federalism obstructs institutional adjustment under conditions... czytaj dalej
Science has changed the life style of people across the globe and India is no exception. With increasing relevances and applicability of genetics to human affairs, it is within the realm of possibility that... czytaj dalej
The 1995 Fish Stocks Agreement was an effort to curb rising conflicts and unilateral actions regarding the rights and duties of States to exploit and manage straddling and highly migratory fish stocks. It broke... czytaj dalej
Thin films science and technology plays an important role in the high-tech industries. Thin film technology has been developed primarily for the need of the integrated circuit industry. The demand for development... czytaj dalej
All the very latest clinical information on hypertension is covered in this practical addition to the popular Secrets SeriesŽ. Special focus is given to current and new antihypertensive therapeutic agents.... czytaj dalej
This is a guide to the new techniques of thoracoscopic spine surgery, containing hands-on instruction and guidelines from the pioneers in the field. There is an accompanying video atlas.... czytaj dalej
An ancient treatment rediscovered: The use of fly larvae to heal chronic wounds via biosurgery. Maggot therapy has had impressive results treating diabetic foot ulcers, slow-healing wounds resulting from circulatory... czytaj dalej
Vorsicht Geschmack" führt durch den Zutaten-Wirrwarr. Das Buch beschreibt die neuen Wundermittel der Bäcker, die Künste der Köche in den Lebensmittelfabriken. Ein ausführliches Lexikon listet die modernen... czytaj dalej
This text provides a simple and straightforward introduction to econometrics for the beginner. The author's intent is to provide the student with a "user friendly," non-intimidating introduction... czytaj dalej