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Quantitative Methods in Social Science
Gorard Wydawnictwo: inne

This clever scheme builds on Gorard's previous book, Quantitative Methods in Educational Research. He has revised the original book in the light of experience and feedback, and has reworked it so that it includes... czytaj dalej

Improving Schools in Exceptionally Challenging Circumstances
A. Harris Wydawnictwo: inne

Working in the challenging context of inner city areas on accelerated school improvement does not allow time for reflection. Learning occurs experientially but it is not easily consolidated or refined. School... czytaj dalej

Getting the Buggers to Add Up
Mike Ollerton Wydawnictwo: inne

The new edition of this extremely practical guide equips teachers with a huge number of strategies for improving pupils' mathematics and problem-solving skills in the classroom. Mike Ollerton shows how active... czytaj dalej

Textbook of Laparoscopic Urology
S. Inderbir Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Divided into eleven detailed sections, this reference displays the expertise and research of specialists from leading urology centers around the world and offers authoritative chapters on the entire spectrum... czytaj dalej

Agriculture as a Producer & Consumer of Energy
Outlaw Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Recent concerns about energy security in the developed world have drawn greater attention to agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy. Agriculturally derived energy sources such as ethanol, biodiesel... czytaj dalej

A to Z of DNA Science
J. Witherly Wydawnictwo: inne

Medical science constantly demands our attention, as patients or relatives, concerned citizens, or simply curious individuals. But for those without training, the language of science is often hard to follow... czytaj dalej

Lab Ref a Handbook Of Rcipes Reagents
J. Roskams Wydawnictwo: inne

Extracted from laboratory manuals published by Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, this guide contains reference data and information on a variety of laboratory techniques. ... czytaj dalej

Reed's Engineering Knowledge Instruments & Control Systems
Embleton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book presents the principles covered by the DoT examination papers in Engineering Knowledge, Instruments and Control Systems for Master (foreign-going). It also briefly revises that part of the General... czytaj dalej

Acoustic Sensing Techniques for the Shallow Water
A. Caiti Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Acoustic remote sensing of the ocean environment has seen a remarkable progress in the last tenfifteen year as a result of an increasing understanding of the experimental techniques and procedures and of the... czytaj dalej

RealWorld Evaluation
M. Bamberger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

RealWorld Evaluation addresses the challenges of conducting evaluations where there is not enough money, time, or data - but methodologically sound findings are still needed - and where politics makes... czytaj dalej