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CT Angiography of Chest
Martine Remy-Jardin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by experts who are internationally known for their pioneering work in spiral CT, this volume is a state-of-the-art guide to the techniques and clinical applications of CT angiography of the chest. The... czytaj dalej

Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics
Roberts Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in its updated Fifth Edition, this Spiral Manual is a handy quick reference guide to the management of major clinical problems in pediatrics. In 110 conicse and easy to read chapters, the manual provides... czytaj dalej

NMS Surgery Casebook
Bruce Jarrell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed as a companion volume to the popular NMS Surgery, this newly conceptualised casebook presents a series format of surgical cases that begin with a clinical scenario and go through the decision-making... czytaj dalej

Gleason Grading Prostatic Adenocarcinoma
B. Mahul Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This atlas is the first comprehensive and definitive reference devoted to Gleason grading, the system used to determine prostate cancer stages. Written by four eminent authorities in urological pathology, the... czytaj dalej

Molecular Genetic Testing In Diagnostic Surgical Pathology
G. Pfeifer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by experts from Washington University School of Medicine, this text is a thorough review of the specific molecular genetic techniques that can provide diagnostically useful molecular genetic information... czytaj dalej

Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors
Mark Kransdorf Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on a vast number of cases seen at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and the Mayo Clinic, this volume is a comprehensive reference on the radiologic evaluation of soft tissue tumors. The book covers... czytaj dalej

Adult Hip 2 vols
Callaghan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

CD-ROM version of the text includes video clips of latest techniques, MEDLINE abstracts, and quick-search options. For students and clinicians. Requires: Windows 3.1 or higher, Macintosh System 7.1 or higher... czytaj dalej

Introductory Guide to Cardiac Catheterization
R. Aviles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by current and former cardiovascular medicine fellows and faculty at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, this pocket sized manual is an easy to follow €œhow-to€ guide to diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac... czytaj dalej

M. Mulholland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The classic surgery text edited by Lazar Greenfield, Michael Mulholland, and colleagues is in its new Fourth Edition--thoroughly revised by a new editorial team and now illustrated in full colour throughout... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Cancer Chemotherapy
Skeel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Seventh Edition of this pocket reference is a practical, disease-focused guide to the best current medical practice in cancer chemotherapy. In easy-to-follow outline format, the book provides complete coverage... czytaj dalej