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Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics
L. Bauer Wydawnictwo: inne

Improving upon and updating the information and format of the leading competing clinical pharmacokinetic text, Dr. Bauer, a nationally recognized leader in the field of pharmacokinetics has conceived a text... czytaj dalej

Clinician's Pocket Reference
L. Gomella Wydawnictwo: inne

The original Scut Monkey Handbook is the essential survival guide to have on the wards and in the clinic - Emphasis on essential information for effective daily patient management - Up-to-date coverage of today's... czytaj dalej

Alexander Gorlin Buildings & Projects
Alexander Gorlin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A collection of the work of architect Alexander Gorlin featuring 28 of his buildings and projects in design in full-colour and plans. Three essays examining his sources and stylistic directions and Gorlin's... czytaj dalej

Antoine Predock
B. Collins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Antoine Predock's trademark bold forms-often incorporating references to the natural elements as well as to myth and ritual-have made him an architect of international renown. This important new book follows... czytaj dalej

Madulin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This reference work gives comprehensive coverage of the biology and control of African, Asian and South American trypanosomiasis in man and animals. It describes recent research developments in the biology... czytaj dalej

Growth of Farm Animals
T. Lawrence Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An understanding of the processes that change the shape and composition of farm animals is fundamental to all aspects of production. The book provides a comprehensive picture of how animals grow, change in... czytaj dalej

Marketing Sales & Customer Service
Watkins Wydawnictwo: inne

Selling through service is a concept no business can ignore. This book examines the advances made within the financial services industry by repositioning products, revolutionizing the way in which the industry... czytaj dalej

Understanding Batteries
D. Rand Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Beginning with a brief history of the development of batteries and a discussion of their applications and markets, the book goes on to outline the basic terminology and science of batteries. The different types... czytaj dalej

Science of Ice Cream
C. Clarke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ice cream as we recognize it today has been in existence for at least 300 years, though its origins probably go much further back in time. Though no one knows who invented ice cream, the first improvement in... czytaj dalej

Burns Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Neither a descriptive chronicle of dates, nor a catalogue of devices and systems, this volume uncovers the decisive factors including the technical, political, social and economic, that have enabled modern... czytaj dalej