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First Aid For The Orthopaedic Boards
Malinzak Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Apply the First Aid formula for board-exam success!
Frequently tested high-yield facts for the OITE and Orthopedic Board exams
Written by residents who have just taken the exams!... czytaj dalej

Real Estate Coach
B. Sugars Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the international go-to guys in small business know-how: Your source for the strategies, skills and confidence every business owner needs to succeed. Remember what it was like learning how to ride a... czytaj dalej

Electronics Sensors for the Evil Genius
Petruzzellis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Projects include: rain detector, air pressure sensor, cloud chamber, lightning detector, electronic gas sniffer, seismograph, radiation detector, and more Appeals to electronics enthusiasts as well as students... czytaj dalej

NEJM Clinical Problem Solving
S. Saint Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Expert clinical problem-solving methods and guidance'from the editors and contributors of The New England Journal of Medicine This invaluable resource from the New England Journal of Medicine expertly addresses... czytaj dalej

Basic Information Systems Analysis & Design
M. Chester Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is an introduction to the essential features of the analysis and design of information systems, and is aimed at students embarking on the study of information systems development. It is suitable for... czytaj dalej

European Union
S. Senior Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is an up to date multidisciplinary account of the European Union which is broad but comprehensive in coverage. The author has a great deal of experience of teaching on a wide range of EU courses and... czytaj dalej

Handbook in Transport 6 vols
D. Hensher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Transportation research has a solid foundation of established methodology for students and professionals to turn to, and for future researchers and practitioners to build on. Recognised by reviewers as 'excellent'... czytaj dalej

Rancid Aluminium
James Hawes Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

'I have been racking my brains and I cannot remember a book I have readrecently which made me laugh more, or as often, as James Hewes'sRancid Aluminium. Evelyn Waugh's Scoop and Tom Sharpe'sRiotous Assembly... czytaj dalej

C. Ryan Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A duel to death between an SAS soldier and the man who taught him everything he knows.SAS Captain Alex Temple is on an urgent mission. Someone has been murdering M15 officers and it looks as if the killer is... czytaj dalej

Night Geometry
A. Kennedy Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The heroes and heroines of Night Geometry and the Garscadden Trains, A.L. Kennedy's first collection of stories, are small people - the kind who inhabit the silence in libraries, who never appear on screen... czytaj dalej