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Handbook of Cancer Chemotherapy
Skeel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Seventh Edition of this pocket reference is a practical, disease-focused guide to the best current medical practice in cancer chemotherapy. In easy-to-follow outline format, the book provides complete coverage... czytaj dalej

Shotcrete for Underground Support v.7
H. Klapperich Wydawnictwo: inne

This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Shotcrete for Underground Support VII Conference held in Telfs, Austria, June 11-15, 1995. It covers three broad themes concerning shotcrete - engineering... czytaj dalej

Dragon Well 3
D. Willis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this third title in an all-new series for young readers, Nearra and her friends reach a tiny mountain village, where they meet a mysterious clairvoyant who's had a vision of Nearra's destiny--a vision that... czytaj dalej

Davis Cup Yearbook
Harman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Two years ago, John Fitzgerald made the most difficult speech of his life, one of deep and gut-wrenching honesty, in congratulating the French on their victory in Melbourne. When he was summoned onto the grand... czytaj dalej

Gods Mountain
Eliav Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This provocative study of Jerusalem's Temple Mount unravels popular scholarly paradigms about the origins of this contested sacred site and its significance in Jewish and Christian traditions. In "God's... czytaj dalej

World Must Know
Berenbaum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The World Must Know" documents the compelling human stories of the Holocaust as told in the renowned permanent exhibition of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Drawing... czytaj dalej

Natural Law Modernized
D. Braybrooke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hobbes, Locke, Hume, and Rousseau are classic modern philosophers, widely consulted in matters of ethics and political theory. In this provocative study David Braybrooke challenges received scholarly opinion... czytaj dalej

Deadline How Premier Organisations Win Race Against Time
Carrison Wydawnictwo: inne

Deadline! presents adventure stories for today#8217;s warp-speed business environment#8212;dramatic case studies of how nine well-known organizations successfully managed to meet critical, seemingly impossible... czytaj dalej

Watching Wildlife
Chris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book offers a vivid examination of nature television - and what it reveals about human society. It has never been easier for Americans to observe wild and exotic animals from the comfort and safety of... czytaj dalej

Dimensionality Reducing Expansion of Multivariate Integratio
Tian-Xiao He Wydawnictwo: inne

Multivariate integration has been a fundamental subject in mathematics, with broad connections to a number of areas: numerical analysis, approximation theory, partial differential equations, integral equations... czytaj dalej