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Organic Phosphorus in the Environment
Turner Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Phosphorus is essential for life, yet is often the element most limiting for biological productivity. Although most organisms take up phosphorus in an inorganic form, organic forms frequently dominate in soils... czytaj dalej

Creating Environmental Business
Stephen Poltorzycki Wydawnictwo: inne

This book examines the 'two shades of green' that are business and values. While the former constitutes the colour of money as a means of measuring business value; the later concerns those things a company... czytaj dalej

Microtas 2004 v 2
T. Laurell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Eighth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems in Chemistry and Life Science - ľTas 2004 - is an annual meeting focusing on the research, development and application of miniaturized technologies... czytaj dalej

Advances in Unmanned Marine Vehicles
G. Roberts Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Unmanned marine vehicles (UMVs) is a term used to describe autonomous underwater vehicles, remotely operated vehicles, semi-submersibles and unmanned surface craft. Considerable importance is being placed on... czytaj dalej

Thermal Microwave Radiation
C. Matzler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book combines theoretical concepts with experimental results on thermal microwave radiation to increase the understanding of the complex nature of terrestrial media. With the emphasis on radiative transfer... czytaj dalej

Coiled Spring How Life Begins
Bier Wydawnictwo: inne

A concise, readable account of the principles underlying embryonic development in animals and plants, featuring colourful artwork and interviews with prominent investigators. It will be of use to those taking... czytaj dalej

Genes & Signals
A. Gann Wydawnictwo: inne

This text analyzes gene regulation from a different perspective. The first chapter describes mechanisms found in bacteria, and two subsequent chapters discuss which of these is most highly exploited in higher... czytaj dalej

Strongest Boy in the World and Other Adventures in Genetics
P. Reilly Wydawnictwo: inne

Following on from the success of Abraham Lincoln's "DNA and Other Adventures in Genetics", this new book is a collection of 20 essays on such wide - ranging topics as human ancestry, race, longevity... czytaj dalej

Hiv Aids In Sport
Gopal Sankaran Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Surveys issues concerning HIV/AIDS and sport, covering medical facts and clinical aspects, psychological and legal issues, and guidelines for testing. Offers accounts of high-profile athletes afflicted with... czytaj dalej

Conrad in France
J. Paccaud-Huguet Wydawnictwo: inne

Focuses on the relationship between British novelist Joseph Conrad's work and French culture and criticism. This book presents readings of Conrad's major texts by critics such as Andre Gide, Andre Maurois,... czytaj dalej