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Yoichi Ohira
R. Mentasti Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Yoichi Ohira is a Japanese glass artist who has been living and working in Venice for more than twenty-five years. After years of work combining the deep aesthetic tradition of Japan with the centuries-old... czytaj dalej

International Handbook on Globalization Education
Zajda Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The aim of this Handbook is to present a global overview of developments in education and policy change during the last decade. It has the objective of providing both a strategic education policy statement... czytaj dalej

Computational & Statistical Approaches to Genomics
Zhang Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At the beginning of the post-sequencing era, biology must work with the enormous amounts of quantitative data being amassed and must render complex problems in mathematical terms, with all of the computational... czytaj dalej

Infantile Spasms Diagnosis Management & Prognosis
Frost Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The etiology of infantile spasms/West syndrome remains unknown; the pathophysiology is poorly understood and the optimal course of treatment is controversial. The primary goal of this volume is to carefully... czytaj dalej

Conscience & Corporate Culture
K. Goodpaster Wydawnictwo: brak danych

To what ethical standards can we hold corporations? In the past few years, monumental corporate scandals have been emblazoned on every front page, but people have largely responded with ambivalence to events... czytaj dalej

Ethnobiology & the Science of Humankind
R. Ellen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This landmark volume assesses the contribution of recent work in ethnobiology to anthropological thought. Considers the ways in which the subject matter and methodologies of ethnobiological research address... czytaj dalej

Chemical Calculations At A Glance
Yates Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It is now possible to enter a chemistry degree course at many UK universities without any formal maths training beyond age 16. Addressing this deficiency requires students to take additional mathematics training... czytaj dalej

Plant Abiotic Stress
P. Hasegwawa Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Over the past decade, our understanding of plant adaptation to environmental stress has grown considerably. This book focuses on stress caused by the inanimate components of the environment associated with... czytaj dalej

Nonprofit Marketing
W. Wymer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Perhaps now more than ever, effective marketing is crucial in successfully managing a nongovernmental organization. A nonprofit organization that is effectively using marketing strategies is better positioned... czytaj dalej

Criminology 3 vols
J. Muncie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This three-volume set is the definitive reference tool for criminology and criminal justice students, researchers and practitioners worldwide. John Muncie presents a comprehensive collection of classic and... czytaj dalej