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Locating Renaissance Art
Richardson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Renaissance art history is traditionally identified with Italian centres of production, and Florence in particular. Instead, this book explores the dynamic interchange between European artistic centres and... czytaj dalej

Making Renaissance Art
Woods Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book explores key themes in the making of Renaissance painting, sculpture, architecture and prints: the use of specific techniques and materials, theory and practice, change and continuity in artistic... czytaj dalej

Open Systems
D. De Salvo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Open Systems examines how international artists rethought the object of art in the late 1960s and 1970s as they sought to connect with the increasingly urgent political developments of the decade and make their... czytaj dalej

Culture Conglomerates
Kunz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This succinct overview explains conglomeration and regulation in the film and television industries, covering its history as well as the contemporary scene. Former producer William M. Kunz shows how the structure... czytaj dalej

Theories and Techniques of Crystal Structure Determination
Shmueli Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This concise book is for chemists, material scientists, and physicists who deal with description of crystalline matter and the determination of its structure, and would like to gain more understanding of the... czytaj dalej

Organizational Behavior in Education
R. Owens Wydawnictwo: inne

The Ninth Edition of Organizational Behavior in Education relates the study of educational leadership to the challenge of how leaders can participate effectively in school reform.... czytaj dalej

Attic Orators
E. Carawan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The `Attic Orators' have left us a hundred speeches for lawsuits, a body of work that reveals an important connection between evolving rhetoric and the jury trial. The essays in this volume explore that formative... czytaj dalej

Primer of Diagnostic Imaging
R. Weissleder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Primer of Diagnostic Imaging is the complete radiology residency survival guide, including diagnostic details on the full range of radiologic modalities and specialties. It also features a differential diagnosis... czytaj dalej

Challenges of Indian Management
B. Virmani Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book documents how Indian organizations are coping with the challenges of change in managerial practices and policies over the last two decades. With an in-depth historical perspective and a thorough analysis... czytaj dalej

Disaster Medicine
Hogan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by more than 30 emergency physicians with first-hand experience handling medical care during disasters, this volume is the only single comprehensive reference on disaster medicine. It provides the information... czytaj dalej