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Williams Hematology
Lichtman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Williams HEMATOLOGY, 6th Edition, informs on new developments in genetics and molecular biology, sickle cell diseases, gene rearrangements, platelet morphology, biochemistry and function and so much more. Chapters... czytaj dalej

Tuberculosis & Nontuberculosis Mycobacterial Infections
Schlossberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Audience includes Infectious Disease Specialists and Respiratory Medicine Physicians Unlike most texts on the market, this is not just about lung disease -- it covers the whole gamut of how these infections... czytaj dalej

Ellie Hart Goes to Work
K. Mayfield Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Are you feeling uninspired? Are you lacking in self-esteem and confidence? Could you get more out of your work, family and relationships? Do you want to improve your life? Ellie Hart does. She's busy at work... czytaj dalej

Metaphysics As a Guide to Morals
Murdoch Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

'Iris Murdoch has written a book which concerns all of us as human beings-There are pages here that one wants to embrace her for, pages that say things of fundamental human importance in a way that they have... czytaj dalej

And Now You Can Go
V. Vida Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A gun is pointed at 21-year-old Ellis as she walks through a New York park. Although she escapes unharmed she is left psychologically reeling. Over the next few weeks Ellis keeps everyone at bay: the police... czytaj dalej

Hamilton Case
M. Kretser Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The place is Ceylon, the time the 1930s. Set amid tea plantations, corruption and the backwash of empire, this gripping novel has a pitch-perfect ear for the comedy and a sharp eye for the tragedy of a world... czytaj dalej

Various Haunts of Men
S. Hill Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Susan Hill, a master of characterization and storytelling, writes with compassion, humour and a unique understanding of the details of daily life in this utterly absorbing crime novel #8212; the first in a... czytaj dalej

Did You Spot the Gorilla
Wiseman Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In a recent series of ground-breaking psychological experiments, volunteers were shown a 30-second film of some people playing basketball and told to count the number of passes made with the ball. After just... czytaj dalej

Fourier Transform Spectrometry
S. Davis Wydawnictwo: inne

Fourier Transform Spectrometry is of immediate use to those who use Fourier transform spectrometers in their research, or are considering their use. The authors' presentations enable readers to obtain a clear... czytaj dalej

Many Faces of RNA
D. Eggleston Wydawnictwo: inne

The Many Faces of RNA is the subject for the eighth SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Research Symposia. It highlights a rapidly developing area of scientific investigation. The style and format are deliberately... czytaj dalej