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Biomedical Sciences Explained Molecular Genetics
J. Hancock Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An explanation of molecular genetics, aimed at level one and two students, with an introduction to the next level. It includes chapter objectives and self-assessment questions. Key words are illustrated throughout... czytaj dalej

Newnes Interactive Electronic Circuits CD-ROM
O. Bishop Wydawnictwo: brak danych

-The favorite circuits of the world's leading circuit designers together on one CD-ROM -New easy-to-use web-browser interface New in V2.0 -Prompted questions and scored multiple choice questions Put over 300... czytaj dalej

Materials for Automobile Bodies
G. Davies Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The selection of automobile body materials is fundamental to the choice of fabrication method, and the characteristics and performance of the final vehicle or component. The factors behind these choices comprise... czytaj dalej

Inclusive Urban Design
E. Burton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first book to address the design needs of older people in the outdoor environment. It provides information on design principles essential to built environment professionals who want to provide for... czytaj dalej

Board Stiff Preparing for Anaesthesia Orals
Gallagher Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The authors have worked with hundreds of test takers and have culled the methods of test preparation that consistently work and get the best results. A unique combination of facts and nuances, BOARD STIFF TOO... czytaj dalej

Essentials for Ophthalmic Lens Work
C. Brooks Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Highly readable and packed with instructional photos and drawings, this book also features a separate kit for practicing lens edging layout at home. Proficiency tests for self-assessment are included for each... czytaj dalej

Militarism Rule without Law
Carlton Wydawnictwo: inne

Militarism is commonly associated with predatory societies and power-hungry rulers, from Assyrians and Spartans, Romans and Mongols, to the expansionist regimes of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. But militarism... czytaj dalej

Listening to Welfare State
E. Seltzer Wydawnictwo: inne

Listening to the Welfare State presents, for the first time in English, central research findings from recent studies of the welfare systems of Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden. The book's contributors are... czytaj dalej

Gutenberg and the Impact of Printing
S. Fussel Wydawnictwo: inne

From typefounding through typesetting to the printing process itself, this narrative offers a fresh look at the unprecedented success story of the spread of the 'black art' right across Europe in a mere 40... czytaj dalej

Capitalism Social Privilege & Managerial Ideologies
Gantman Wydawnictwo: inne

This book analyzes the evolution of administrative thought from the nineteenth century to the present, considering it as ideological discourse. Rather than merely being a succession of fads, Gantman shows how... czytaj dalej