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Pulmonary Rehabilitation
C. Donner,R. Goldstein Wydawnictwo: inne

Pulmonary rehabilitation programs are now a fundamental part of the clinical management of patients with chronic respiratory diseases. This comprehensive reference book places pulmonary rehabilitation within... czytaj dalej

Media of Mass Communication
J. Vivian Wydawnictwo: inne

This up-to-date, reader-friendly presentation of the mass media helps instructors use the media to teach the media and explore its excitement, complexity, and impact on our lives.  Widely praised for his ability... czytaj dalej

Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants 6th ed
Sorrentino Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This textbook is known for its comprehensive coverage, readability, and visual presentation. This revision builds on these strengths, adding new content and features to better address learning needs and practice... czytaj dalej

Evolution of Markets for Water
J. Bennett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book presents a detailed picture of the evolutionary processes at work in water markets with a particular focus on theory and practice in Australia. Policymakers are striving to strike a balance between... czytaj dalej

Turning the Kaleidoscope
Lustig Wydawnictwo: inne

Far from being a blank space on the Jewish map, or a void in the Jewish cultural world, post-Shoah Europe is a place where Jewry has continued to develop, even though it is facing different challenges and opportunities... czytaj dalej

Racism in Metropolitan Areas
Helmut Peitsch Wydawnictwo: inne

"... a well focused collection of articles, all of which are of a good scholarly standard and some of which are strikingly original or illuminating." #8226; Michael Kelly, University of Southampton... czytaj dalej

Catalan Expedition to the East
R. Muntaner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Before its definitive fall into Turkish hands, the Byzantine Empire was the target of adventurers of many nations. Outstanding among these groups was the Almogaver army led by Roger of Flor, composed of mercenaries... czytaj dalej

Cultural Geography
D. Sibley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As geography has been influenced by such themes as postcolonial studies, feminism and psychoanalysis, so students have had to engage with ideas and concepts from outside the traditional boundaries of their... czytaj dalej

Engineering Mechanics Statics
J. Meriam,L. Kraige Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This concise and authoritative book emphasizes basic principles and problem formulation. It illustrates both the cohesiveness of the relatively few fundamental ideas in this area and the great variety of problems... czytaj dalej

Captive Images
Biber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Captive Images examines the law's treatment of photographic evidence and uses it to investigate the relationship between law, image and fantasy. Based around the scholarly examination of a bank robbery, in... czytaj dalej