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Gillott's thorough yet clear writing style continues to keep Entomology near the top of the class as a text for senior undergraduates, and for graduate students and professionals seeking an introduction to... czytaj dalej
In recent years, there has been a convergence of interest on narratives and lives from many qualitative and interpretative strands in the social sciences that encompass sociology and anthropology, health... czytaj dalej
What kind of learner are you? How can you become a better learner? "Learning Power" puts the findings of the well-known Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory (ELLI) research programme into the practical... czytaj dalej
Ballenger's Manual Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 16th Edition presents synopses of 47 chapters of the book that address clinical problems, diagnosis and management. These clinically oriented synopses... czytaj dalej
The continuing rapid evolution of financial systems challenges both management and regulators. While management strives to find cost-effective organizational structures that offer sufficient flexibility to... czytaj dalej
This book is intended to provide a treatment of the theory and applications of Stochastic Neural Networks, that is networks able to learn random processes from experience, on the basis of recent developments... czytaj dalej
A practical framework for launching successful new growth businesses within an established organisation. One of the toughest challenges any manager can face is to execute an all-new business model inside a... czytaj dalej
Get ready to dive into Cubase SX or SL 3! This book provides a thorough look at the most common as well as lesser-known features of this impressive digital audio production software. Beyond describing the features... czytaj dalej
Distance education technology combines communication with educational and intelligent methods to develop software and hardware systems that support learning activities with spatiotemporal flexibilities.Future... czytaj dalej
Surf-pounded cliffs and crystal-clear lochs, confident metropolises and ancient towns, dramatic wildernesses and remote island getaways -- with so much on offer, which Britain will you choose? Explore every... czytaj dalej