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Kings of Peace
Martin Wydawnictwo: inne

The secret world of international peace deals is exposed in Kings of Peace; Pawns of War, a ground-breaking new book that goes behind the scenes of televised handshakes to reveal what it really takes to broker... czytaj dalej

Souvenirs de la Maison des Morts
Fiodor Dostoyevsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

La maison des morts, c'est le bagne de Sibérie ou Dostoievsky a purgé comme condamné politique une peine de quatre années de travaux forcés et de six ans de ' service militaire '. Mais la maison des morts,... czytaj dalej

My Lord John
Heyer Wydawnictwo: inne

John, Duke of Bedford, grew to manhood fighting for his father, King Henry IV of England, on the wild and lawless Northern Marches. A prince of the royal blood, loyal, strong, the greatest ally that his brother... czytaj dalej

Hotel Insomnia
Charles Simic Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this new volume, Pulitzer Prize-winning Charles Simic fills the wee hours of his poetry with angels and pigs, riddles and cemeteries. With empty offices and dolls that smile. With the sound of bare feet... czytaj dalej

Fortunate Pilgrim
M. Puzo Wydawnictwo: inne

This novel, written before The Godfather and The Last Don, uniquely focuses on an Italian family with a powerful woman, Lucia Santa, at its center. The setting is New York just after the turn of the century... czytaj dalej

Ethiopian Jewish Exodus
G. Benezer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Between 1977 and 1985, some 20,000 Ethiopian Jews left their homes in Ethiopia and - motivated by an ancient dream of returning to the land of their ancestors, 'Yerussalem' - embarked on a secret and highly... czytaj dalej

Magic Numbers for Consumer Marketing
J. Davis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Magic Numbers for Consumer Marketing specifically describes key marketing measures commonly used in business. The book is designed to help marketers and non-marketers alike recognize the best measures to use... czytaj dalej

Executive Career Guide for MBAs
R. Beatty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The only book on the market that reviews the fundamental changes now sweeping through American business, details the elements for executive success in this changing environment and offers guidelines for a successful... czytaj dalej

Commodities Rising
Christian Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Analyze the current commodity environment and look out over the next few years to identify potential profit situations in Commodities Rising. You'll learn how commodities can be used to reduce risk and increase... czytaj dalej

Gift to be Simple
Edward Andrews Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Songs, dances, rituals of American Shakers #8212; only authoritative account. Origin, development, notation, dance figures. 80 songs in notation, 17 illustrations.... czytaj dalej