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In this quietly affecting story, award-winning author Hesse and artist Muth deftly capture the magnificence of a sudden rainstorm on a swelteringly hot day. Much more than a simple tale of weather, Come On... czytaj dalej
David, Christopher, Jalil and April have finally found allies in Everworld who stand half a chance against the evil Ka-Anor. They've joined forces with the mighty Greek Gods to defend against the Hetwan's latest attack. ... czytaj dalej
Updated with increased focus on the effects of globalization, this text presents the timeless principles of information systems in an understandable and memorable context. ... czytaj dalej
The world of oceans are one of the last great largely unexplored places on earth. They teem with life some of it familiar and some of it strange to us and Fish Face takes us closer to the fish that live here... czytaj dalej
Using Miller's user-friendly format, this book delivers everything you need to know about all up-to-the-minute International Accounting Standards. You will find interpretations issued by the International Accounting... czytaj dalej
Sport Ethnography is a complete introduction and resource in the emerging discipline of sport ethnography. Written by Robert R. Sands, PhD, an anthropologist well versed in the use of the ethnographic method... czytaj dalej
Afghanistan has become synonymous with violence. In the past 25 years alone, the country has endured Russian invasion and occupation, civil war and a US-led military campaign, resulting in the combined loss... czytaj dalej
Innovative formal structures challenge readers to reconsider their assumptions and beliefs about social issues. ... czytaj dalej
These indelible portraits of Native Americans by Edward S. Curtis, made at the dawn of the 20th Century, have become among the most avidly collected, published, and sought-after emblems of early encounters... czytaj dalej
The master cook who worked in the noble kitchens of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries had to be both practical and knowledgeable. His apprenticeship acquainted him with a range of culinary skills and a... czytaj dalej