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Murder of Quality
J. LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

Carne School kept itself apart from the Dorset town it dominated. But something terrible had happened in this enclosed world: the wife of a junior master had been murdered. Smiley goes to solve this murder... czytaj dalej

Sound of Munich
S. Nelson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Siena Bernstein is studying in abroad in Munich for a semester, and hopes to fulfill her late father's dream to thank the man who helped smuggle his family past the Berlin Wall. But she's also set on having... czytaj dalej

Subsurface Sediment Mobilization
van Resenbergen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sedimentary facies in the subsurface are usually interpreted from a depositional/stratigraphical perspective: the depositional layering is generally considered to remain undisturbed, except in a few settings... czytaj dalej

Biblical Imagery in Medieval England 700-1550
Kauffmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This study covers the whole of the Middle Ages from the Lindisfarne Gospels to the Reformation and concentrates on the relationship 'Text - Image and Viewer'. Within a broadly chronological framework, the treatment... czytaj dalej

Baxter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The beginning of a new trilogy from perhaps the most significant Sf writer of the 21st century. ... czytaj dalej

Artinian Modules Over Group Rings
L. Kurdachenko Wydawnictwo: inne

This book highlights important developments on artinian modules over group rings of generalized nilpotent groups. Along with traditional topics such as direct decompositions of artinian modules, criteria of... czytaj dalej

Deutsches LitLexikon 18
W. Kosch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is one of the best known, most comprehensive and most reliable reference works on German literature. The scope of the Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is simply unrivalled: Spanning... czytaj dalej

Internal Medicine Peripheral Brain
Talreja Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new handbook includes information for students and residents of internal medicine on signs and symptoms, etiology, pathophysiology, working up a diagnosis, treatment, management, and outcomes. Truly covers... czytaj dalej

B. Kienzle Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The present volume marks a significant step in the progress of Medieval Sermon Studies and in the annals of the society founded to promote research in this field. Its publication follows the retirement from... czytaj dalej

USMLE Road Map Gross Anatomy
White Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ideal for USMLE preparation and course review, the streamlined, easy-to-follow hierarchical outline format guides students through the most important aspects of each discipline. Extensive illustrations enhance... czytaj dalej