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This complete, full-color atlas of bones and joints contains over 700 illustrations and explains how muscles function as movers, antagonists, and stabilizers so readers will truly understand how muscles function... czytaj dalej
This collection features nearly 100 poems by Elizabeth Jennings. ... czytaj dalej
The citizens of Holt, Colorado, return in Kent Haruf's follow-up to his bestselling 1999 novel, PLAINSONG. His characters' problems are myriad: poverty, ignorance, schoolyard bullies, dying elders. But in American... czytaj dalej
Carne School kept itself apart from the Dorset town it dominated. But something terrible had happened in this enclosed world: the wife of a junior master had been murdered. Smiley goes to solve this murder... czytaj dalej
Reflecting the development and improvement of ultrasound contrast agents over the past few years, this book explains the principles and applications of contrast agents of different chemical composition. It... czytaj dalej
In this study, the award-winning environmental analyst Lester Brown and his colleagues have charted progress in building the eco-economy - an economy in harmony with the Earth's ecosystems, not undermining... czytaj dalej
This essential guide steers you along 42 of Cuba's best cycling routes: climb the weirdest mountains this side of China, see ancient cave paintings on a pristine beach, or do a day trip on Havana's historic... czytaj dalej
This study covers the whole of the Middle Ages from the Lindisfarne Gospels to the Reformation and concentrates on the relationship 'Text - Image and Viewer'. Within a broadly chronological framework, the treatment... czytaj dalej
The rich collection of 15th- through 19th-century Central European drawings of the Crocker Collection in Sacramento is the subject of this beautifully realized catalogue by Kaufmann (art history, Princeton... czytaj dalej
Highly regarded for its excellent writing, American Realities, is a well-respected secondary source collection that uses a unique anecdotal style and focuses on the important people and events in our country's... czytaj dalej