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Frank Lloyd Wright v.5
B. Pfeiffer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the early fifties, he is honored both nationally and internationally with a large retrospective exhibition of his work that travels throughout Europe, displaying his unquestioned brilliance in one prestigious... czytaj dalej

Psychology of Food Choice
R. Shepherd Wydawnictwo: brak danych

One of the central problems in nutrition is the difficulty of getting people to change their dietary behaviours so as to bring about an improvement in health. What is required is a clearer understanding of... czytaj dalej

Leading the Lean Initiative
J. Davis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Davis, a corporate consultant and former manager in manufacturing, offers advice on developing a culture which welcomes change, gains the cooperation of employees, and maintains the normal production schedule all the while.... czytaj dalej

Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?
Robert Goffee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Too many companies are managed not by leaders, but by mere role players and faceless bureaucrats. What does it take to be a real leader'one who is confident in who they are and what they stand for and who truly... czytaj dalej

Globalized E-learning Cultural Challenges
A. Edmundson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Globalized E-Learning Cultural Challenges explores the issues educators, administrators, and instructional designers face when transferring knowledge and skills to other cultures through e-learning. Most e-learning... czytaj dalej

Right Hand of God
Kirckpatrick Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The company has been scattered far and wide in its mission to prepare Faltha for war - now the armies of the Destroyer are near and invasion is imminent. The small group now possesses the Jugom Ark, the flaming... czytaj dalej

Modelling the Sturmgeschutz III (OM #22)
G. Edmundson Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

The Sturmgeschatz III proved to be one of the more significant German AFVs of World War II. Originally designed in the late 1930s as self-propelled infantry support gun, its role became more diverse throughout... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Neonatal EEG Monitoring
L. De Veries Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An Atlas of Amplitude-Integrated EEGs in the Newborn is the first clinical atlas-textbook on interpreting Cerebral Function Monitor (CFM) tracings, a simplified method of continuous amplitude-integrated EEG... czytaj dalej

Matura testy wiedzy o społeczeńśtwie
Krzysztof Kowaluk Wydawnictwo: Telbit

"Matura. WOS - Testy egzaminacyjne" to nowoczesny i unikalny zestaw zadań maturalnych z wiedzy o społeczeństwie, umożliwiający maturzystom praktyczne przygotowanie się do egzaminu. Testy zgodne... czytaj dalej

Słownictwo Pism Stefana Żeromskiego. Miasto i wieś. Tom 12
Katarzyna Sobolewska Wydawnictwo: universitas

Opozycja między miastem a wsią ma charakter uniwersalny. Literatura XVIII i XIX wieku daje świadectwo nie tylko tej podstawowej dychotomii, określającej warunki społecznej egzystencji człowieka, ale stanowi... czytaj dalej