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With more than 100 original contributions authored by widely acclaimed specialists in the field, this two-volume handbook is by far the most comprehensive reference work on phonology and the first-ever comprehensive... czytaj dalej
Der vorliegende Band versammelt die Beiträge des internationalen Kongresses in Frankfurt am Main, mit dem im September 1996 an die Erste Germanistenversammlung von 1846 am selben Ort erinnert wurde. Ausgehend... czytaj dalej
Written for a one-year course in introductory physics - taken by students studying biology and the health sciences - College Physics, 5th edition, covers the standard topics in classical and 20th century physics... czytaj dalej
If your objective in business intelligence reporting is Business Objects success, this is the resource for you. Gives a thorough run-down of the software, plus coverage of Web intelligence, complex queries... czytaj dalej
Sunday Times#8216;A work of singular accomplishment#8217; Daily Telegraph#8216;a forlornly moving elegy to a generation...#8217; ... czytaj dalej
Seventeen-year-old Nicole studies abroad in Paris, a city filled with fast cars, edible snails, and a foreign language she doesn't speak. With the help of some new friends and a handsome Frenchman, Nicole may... czytaj dalej
Bodies in Code explores how our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments. Cyberculture theorists have tended to overlook biological reality when talking about virtual reality, and Mark B. N. Hansen's... czytaj dalej
The second edition of The Biomarker Guide is a fully updated and expanded version of this essential reference. Now in two volumes, it provides a comprehensive account of the role biomarker technology plays... czytaj dalej
This classic by Sinclair Lewis shattered the sentimental American myth of happy small-town life with its satire. Main Street attacks the conformity and dullness of early 20th Century midwestern village... czytaj dalej
In this accessible and elegantly crafted book, Lloyd explores sexual jealousy more as a literary device than as a literary theme. She draws her examples from novels, plays, and poetry spanning many years and... czytaj dalej