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This comparative analysis examines the Islamic and Jewish exegetical narratives ["hadith/isas al-anbiya" and "midrash aggadah"] on the early life of the forefather Abraham. It reveals how... czytaj dalej
Through eight editions, this classic thematic anthology has been hailed for its exceptionally rich collection of essays, memoirs, stories, poems, plays, and fine art. Renowned for the quality of its selections... czytaj dalej
Written by a well-seasoned team in the international business area, this book provides a truly global perspective of international business with a strong theory base, with a managerial emphasis and a focus... czytaj dalej
Richard Daft's best-selling text, "Organization Theory and Design", integrates the most recent thinking about organizations, classic ideas and theories, and real world practice, in a way that is interesting... czytaj dalej
This is a collection of fantastic facts about sharks, giant squid, shipwrecks and other secrets of the deadly deep. ... czytaj dalej
Earth was being invaded by aliens and the top security agencies were helpless: the aliens were controlling the mind of every person they encountered. So it was up to Sam Cavanaugh, secret agent for a powerful... czytaj dalej
A fascinating series depicting the world during the Second World War. Interesting and informative, the four books in the series will each contain true life stories and photographs and documents from the Imperial War Museum.... czytaj dalej
East Asian countries - currently the most dynamic region of the global economy - have recently pursued trade liberalization through the adoption of various forms of bilateral and plurilateral Free Trade Agreements... czytaj dalej
Although most people believe that some form of government is necessary, until recently it was merely an assumption that had never been analyzed from an economic point of view. This changed in the 1970s when... czytaj dalej
Enjoy the ultimate flexibility for study, review and reference with this full-text CD, including all illustrations from the book in the electronic version of Netters Internal Medicine! Includes the most current... czytaj dalej