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Geographies of Globalization
Murray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This informative text offers a geographical perspective on globalization. It provides a lively exploration of its spatial impacts and the distinctive contribution of human geography to studies and debates in... czytaj dalej

Binding & Dissociation Kinetics for Different Biosensor
Ajit Sadana Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The application of biosensors is expanding in different areas. These are portable and convenient devices that permit the rapid, accurate, and reliable detection of analytes of interest present either in the... czytaj dalej

World Politics
C. Kegley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"World Politics: Trend and Transformation" is the best selling text in International Relations, because of its trusted balance in coverage and approach, unmatched by any other text for the course... czytaj dalej

In the Country of Last Things
P. Auster Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this novel Paul Auster offers a haunting picture of a devastated world - a futuristic world - but one which may be seen to shadow our own. Auster's other work includes "The New York Trilogy" and... czytaj dalej

Bull Catcher
A. Carter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Neil "Bull" Larsen loves baseball more than anything. But when he submits his four-year baseball diary as his senior project, he is prompted to take a closer look at his life--and learns some important... czytaj dalej

Common Good
Etzioni Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this book, Amitai Etzioni, public intellectual and leading proponent of communitarian values, defends the view that no society can flourish without a shared obligation to "the common good. " Rejecting... czytaj dalej

Space Grid Structures
J. Chilton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A space frame is a three-dimensional framework for enclosing spaces in which all members are interconnected and act as a single entity. A benefit of this type of structure is that very large spaces can be covered... czytaj dalej

Handbook on Responsible Leadership
J. Doh Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'A profoundly important book for scholars and leaders alike that makes a vital timely contribution to the behavioral perspectives on leadership and governance. Doh and Stumpf, along with their world-renowned... czytaj dalej

Gawędy o czasach i ludziach
Meysztowicz Walerian Wydawnictwo: LTW

Wspomnienia księdza urodzonego na Litwie, kapelana w czasie drugiej wojny światowej. Wstęp Karolina Lanckorońska. Indeks osób i miejscowości, ilustracje, nota o autorze.Walerian Meysztowicz (ur. 1893, zm. 1982)... czytaj dalej

Wołkogonow Dimitrij Wydawnictwo: Amber

Pierwszy prawdziwy portret ?wiecznego rewolucjonisty? ? nie niewinnej ofiary Stalina, lecz współtwórcy czerwonego terroruWieszcz rewolucji. Bohater wielkiego października. Twórca Armii Czerwonej. Zdrajca i... czytaj dalej